[Userscript] Detailed Timestamps

Probably not since you wisely only have it update those specific elements every second. Just felt like mentioning it anyway.

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No one is posting so I’ll check on my own post

v.0.3.12 now has no seconds

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I made a post on bunpro’s Discourse (I enabled the script there) and for a few seconds it said the post was from -1h -1m (or something like that).

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I got a snip of it this time.

Pretty sure that must be due to the post somehow being assigned a later timestamp than what you get in the Date.now() evaluation in the script, and the script rounding down to negative one from just below zero in the difference. I’ll add a catch for that when I get home today.

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Fixed (most likely) as of v.0.3.13

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Awww, this one doesn’t seem to work at all in Safari. :frowning:

I don’t have a Mac so I can’t test on Safari, but if you have a look at the console and tell me what’s throwing errors I might be able to look into it

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I’ll check later when I’m on my laptop. Thanks!

These are all the errors (and warnings) I get on this page, but none of them seem relevant…

Have you checked that the script is active on the forums?

I did, plus refreshed the page a few times. I double checked today and it looks mostly the same except the below error also shows up, but with no more info than is showed in the pic.

I don’t know if that error is relevant, but I think it shouldn’t be.
Maybe there’s a conflict somewhere? Have you tried disabling other scripts?

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In the script source, try changing Line 9 from this:

// @require      https://greasyfork.org/scripts/5392-waitforkeyelements/code/WaitForKeyElements.js?version=115012

to this:

// @require      https://greasyfork.org/scripts/5392-waitforkeyelements/code/WaitForKeyElements.js?version=115012#md5=fd6775a03daee426e576e1394ab2a3b4

It just adds a security hash to verify the contents of the @require’d external file, which should satisfy Safari if that’s what the problem is.

(It’s actually quite a nice feature, since it guarantees that external resources can’t be compromised without the script author and end-user being aware.)


I had no idea! Where did you get the hash?

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So now I need to re-write your script so that it accurately reflects Unix time (factored).
Give me a couple of days.

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I just ran the following on a Linux command prompt:

curl https://greasyfork.org/scripts/5392-waitforkeyelements/code/WaiForKeyElements.js?version=115012 | md5sum

@plantron, I fixed mine just right.


You can also use https://hash.online-convert.com/md5-generator, and paste the URL.