Thank you so much! That all sounds great!
I noticed a new issue: I tried re-adding this club with the weeks info, and for some reason, it didn’t like the dates (I added them through selecting them on the calendar in the “manual add” interface, not “paste JSON”, if that makes a difference).
I guess some features that might be nice to have would be the opportunity to link individual chapter threads with the weeks, in cases where the book club has multiple threads for the book.
Though in order to do that, we’d probably need to be able to go back in and edit the already added book clubs, because most of the time, all of the threads aren’t in existence yet at the start of the club.
I’ll probably try testing the limits of this script by adding the book club for A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar at one point, haha, but a club of that size would be a huge pain to enter more than once if you notice you made a mistake in there somewhere…