In the last sentence, B is talking about the consequences of having lost his wallet. I think about it as ‘I won’t be able to pay for a hotel, I won’t be able to buy food’, and so on.
Can somebody explain why is the verb tense the past (できませんでした)?
The structure なかったら …できませんでした here, is it similar to the English conditional: If it hadn’t … it wouldn’t have … ? , meaning 'If there hadn’t been money, I wouldn’t have been able to pay for the hotel, and so on?
Confess I’m not too clear on what the past tense is doing at the end. I guess it’s just creating a hypothetical - “I wouldn’t even have been able to…”.
(Though if someone said all that to me in English, I’d be going “… yeah, I know how money works.” Like, just give one example and leave it at that - “Oh what a relief, without my wallet, I wouldn’t have been able to pay for lunch” full stop.)
Googling says it’s from one of the graded readers. So I guess the slight oddness in style is probably because it was written to fit a difficulty level. It was written in 2016 so well before the advent of chatgpt.