Unnecessary obvious derived vocab with prefixes/suffixes

Hi everyone,

I don’t know if it has been posted before, but I’m starting to question the usefulness of “derived” vocabulary, for lack of a better word, coming to bloat the lessons.

For example : I’ve just learned 創造、“creation”. That’s real good, but then, do I really need to learn 創造力 and 創造的 right after?
By now, I feel it’s pretty obvious for anyone how such common suffixes can affect words, and nobody who learned 創造 would have any difficulty understanding what 創造力 is, if they saw it written somewhere.

Same thing could go for 不 words, or even する verbs. Having 回復 and 回復する back to back seems pretty silly, when you consider suru verbs are one of the easiest and most essential point of japanese grammar.
It seems to me that a lot of bloat could be removed just by outlining the importance of common suffixes and prefixes when you learn them, and then leaving the resulting words out of lessons.

Thanks for reading.


If you tell people one time, in level 5 or something, that such and such suffix or prefix exists, they’re just going forget, or they’re going to have trouble imagining how it works in practice. Regular repetition of the concept is what they’re going for.


Then, it might be worth it to make said suffix harder and longer to burn.
I get what you’re saying but, let’s be honest, anyone seriously learning japanese will never forget what a 不、的、力 or a する attached to a word does. I’m not saying delete all this vocab, but past a certain level, I do wish they appeared less frequently.

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Personally, I think the extra chances to see する are a great thing, especially when they add more example sentences to the later levels, so you can see the words in action.

You can’t tell from looking at a noun if its する form will be transitive or intransitive. But you could learn that from WK’s example sentences.


another perspective: “free” items. meaning no effort. if they really are obvious then they take practically no time to learn and no time to review but provide exposure to (grammatic) structure and help getting a higher % correct i guess. i for one like easy vocab :sweat_smile:


Repetition is practice. The more connections you make for a reading, the more it sticks, and the more you see words with all their components together, even if you can easily derive the meaning, the more quickly your brain cements them as one unit with a particular meaning. Which is essential for not essentially having to slow down and read the individual components of a word every time you see it.

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Yeah, I personally am grateful for the repetition because I do forget things, even after I’ve Guru’d them. And yeah, agreed on the note that easy vocab = totally a-ok in my books, if I can get it out of the way easy it means I can focus more on the ones I keep forgetting.

They’re not unnecessary overall, I love the fact I can reinforce two things in one sitting since I’m a bit slow at them. If they’re so easy for you then you’ll burn them in no time and forget it. But taking them out is just for your very minuscule inconvenience at the cost of giving me a mildly moderate one.

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入力 Entry Power

不吉 Bad Luck

不倫 Unethical

不正 Incorrect

Especially with 不 we can see that there’s often a lot more nuance than what’s obvious. I want to learn the regular or consistent usages as well as the exceptions. Often the synonyms of the terms that are obvious give me insight into the full breadth of the term’s meaning.


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