[Unmaintained] Active Japanization Classroom (AJC)

I started last June and if all goes well, I’ll finish WK in 1 year and 1 week. I could push and still achieve the 1 year mark for the lolz.

What dictates your leveling up are the radicals and the kanji, so the trick is to do the radicals’ lessons as soon as you level up and do the 1st batch of kanji during the first 3 days and 10h (if you follow the SRS intervals, it takes 3d10h to guru a item). The 2nd batch can be made in the next 3d and 10h, giving a total of 6d20h per level. A lot of people going fast are doing 7 day levels (but it’s totally okay to go slower). I wrote a Guide on how to do this with a better explanation in here.

This can be fixed with the override script.