Trunklayer's Study Log


(I don’t know if I ripped this off from the orange cat thread but I kinda suspect that I did… <3 Edit: I am 100% sure I ripped it off and possibly from kinakomochi!)


Well, started today with a review session - had 31 items and made no mistakes. Not a bad start for a day.
Done several more sessions. Made a few mistakes and took notes on them.
There is a gap in my vocab notes between level 13 and level 23.
That’s because since level 23 I’ve started to take vocab notes during lessons. The notes I took on level 1 - level 13, on the other hand, are the notes I’ve been taking slowly going through those levels independently of reviews and lessons. I plan on closing that gap, but it takes time. So, right now I mostly take notes on those vocab items that I make mistakes on.
Also, I’ve added notes on some more level 57 kanji - up to, and including, 漬


Ok, yesterday was not a very purroductive day, but I still meownaged to do some studying. Still, I hope today will be better.
Had a 62 items review session, made only 2 mistakes (entered wrong reading for 一層 and made a typo in 良質)- so, 97% correct; not bad, in my opinion :sweat_smile:
I leveled up and took notes on the new level 25 vocab. Also learned radicals and kanji. Was hoping to take notes on level 26 vocab and post in 0/0 streak challenge, but I’m too sleepy right now.




And neither was yesterday… Well, at least I’ve managed to level up…
And neither was today… I’ve been both busy and extremely slow at the same time. Still, I managed to finally do all level 26 lessons (with taking notes) and tackle all the reviews. I don’t have much strength left for anything else for today, need to go to sleep. Still, I would have read NHK Easy News, but there don’t seem to have been any today…
Anyway, studywise, today has certainly been spent far more productively than those days when I kept letting my reviews pile up.


Well, I did my reviews - that’s a start.
Also, finally subscribed to

Very useful channel for beginners, because all the narration goes in terms of text (Japanese) on screen. The author doesn’t overload the viewers with lots of text. It’s very interesting and nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaice channel to watch! :cat2:
Finished adding level 57 kanji and started adding level 58 kanji to my notes.
陪 and 部 are easy to confuse :sweat_smile:
陪 - building a clown to accompany you.
部 - clown building is the HQ of the clown club.
Also, done some more reviews.
Still no NHK Easy News… However, I decided to renew my Satori Reader subscription. I should have been using it more actively… However, they are doing a great job, so I don’t regret having subscribed in the past. Still, I hope that I’d use this new subscription more actively. I’ve started rereading 壁の穴。
Re-read three articles.
Also, done another review session.
Still, no new NHK Easy News…
Added the last note on ごとに

If I understand it correctly, if we say (interval of time) + おきに、it means that the action is happening every time after that interval ends, while (interval of time) + ごとに means that the action is happening every time at the end, but still within that interval.
So, in 2a there is actually a difference, only it’s just a one minute difference. With おきに the train leaves at every sixth minute, while with ごとに it leaves at every fifth minute.
Started taking notes on Vstem + hajimeru
Took notes on Key sentence, formation and examples.
Done some more reviews and took/revised notes on the items I got wrong (任意、改正、手洗い)


Omg, I immediately subscribed to Pomu & Shima, cat channels are the best!

Have you heard of ワビサビちゃんねる? I found them early this year when they uploaded a compilation video of finding a stray kitten and then nursing it back to health.


No, I haven’t - thank you for sharing! I’ve just subscribed!


I skipped yesterday’s entry, but not the studying itself. Yesterday I kept up with my reviews and finished taking notes on level 58 kanji. Just two more levels - and I will have notes on all the WK kanji. Which means, I’ll be able to quickly search them by WK radicals.
Anyway, today I have a big review session in the morning and am going to have a big review session in about 12 hours. Which will technically be tomorrow.
Anyway, returning to today. Finally, three more NHK Easy News - read them all. It seems, if all goes well, Japan will be able to finally lift the state of emergency before May 31st.
Read three more articles on Satori Reader. I’m currently reading 壁の穴
I really should use Satrori Reader more. The thing is that there are a lot of directions I try to follow in my Japanese studies: taking notes on kanji (nearly finished though, at least the kanji tought on WK), taking notes on vocab, reading NHK Easy News, reading Satori Reader, reading ゆるキャンプ、taking notes on the Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar, writing practice… Not to mention, WK reviews…
The problem is - I simply don’t have time to do them all at the same time, especially, with work to do.
So, I do some of them on some days and others - on other days. Except for reviews - those I do every day.
I did the reviews and done some lessons. Learned all the level 26 kanji and some vocab. Still have 54 lessons, but am too sleepy to do them now.


Well, yesterday has been quite purroductive.
As for today - so far I’ve done all my reviews (and there were quite a lot) and some of the lessons; also, read todays new three NHK Easy News articles.
Was busy with work + wasn’t feeling well for the rest of the day, so didn’t do as much as I hoped.
I managed to keep up with my reviews and reduce the number of lessons to 11, but once again I’m too sleepy to do them purroperly.


Well, yesterday was a weird day both studywise and otherwise, but I can’t say it was unproductive.
Anyway, returning to today: I caught up with my reviews and finally finished the lessons.
Done two more review sessions; also took notes on level 59 kanji. Just one level - and I’ll have notes on all WK kanji.
Read three Satori Reader articles. As today there is no new NHK Easy News (there never is on holidays), I plan to read at least three more. Ideally, I should read six more, because yesterday I didn’t read Satori Reader at all. But right now I’m going to make a pause.
I went to YouTube to take a break, but there was this video:

Which had Japanese text in it, so I couldn’t resist reading that text. Learned some new words and took some notes :sweat_smile:
Also, had another small review session.
Had several more review sessions and watched several 猫部屋 videos, but didn’t do any other reading and am too tired for it right now… Still, on the whole, I’d say the day was quite purroductive, studywise :cat2:


Morning Trunk! Just bumping your thread for you!

Have a nice day. :slight_smile:


Today I’m starting a new entry a bit late :sweat_smile:
I’ve kept up with my reviews today.
Also, I finally finished taking notes on level 60 kanji. This is a milestone, because now I have notes on all the WK kanji (except those that were added after I took notes on their level, but I’ll cover them once I take notes on vocab for that level).
Also, while I haven’t read any Satori Reader articles yet, I did read some small phrases. Still, I hope to do much more today. And to read much more today too.
Well, I didn’t do nearly as much as I planned, but I kept with my reviews and at least I read my three daily Satori Reader articles.
On the whole, I’d say today has been quite purroductive. :cat2:
I planned to end today’s (well, technically, already yesterday’s) entry on that note, but I found a new interesting Japanese book and read a few pages before realizing that it’s well past time for me to go to sleep :sweat_smile:


Congrats on finishing such a huge task! :partying_face:


High five! Show me that paw!


Again, starting entry a bit late today.
Kept up with my reviews; also, read three new NHK Easy News articles and three more Satori Reader articles.
Kept up with my reviews, reached level 27 and done most of the lessons; too tired to continue, so, going to sleep.


Kept up with my reviews and done the remaining lessons.
Had some more review sessions.
Also, read 3 daily NHK Easy News articles + one old article about disaster heat (it was linked in one of the articles):

I haven’t found the date of its publishing, but I can tell it’s not a recent article, because it uses older voicing type. All NHK Easy News articles used to have this voice when I first started reading them in the beginning of 2017. Now they use different voice. I don’t remember which voice they used in 2019 when started reading NHK Easy News again, but I think it was the current one, which means they must have switched to the new voice somewhere between the beginning of 2017 and the beginning of 2019.

Read three daily Satori Reader articles.
Also had another big review session.

Finished reading first case of

Huge thanks to @Radish8 先輩 for recommending it, btw.
Yes, I know, it feels strange that I bought another book before finishing reading ゆるキャンプ、but I checked it and knew I had to buy it. It’s both interesting and easy to read. :sweat_smile:
This is the book I was talking about when I said:

Once I read that book, I’ll return to reading ゆるキャンプ。
One of the problems was that I didn’t know how to zoom in. Apparently, by default, the built-in reader at uses horizontal mode and doesn’t allow zoom. But once I switched to vertical mode, I was able to use the mouse wheel to zoom in. It’s much easier to read kanji when they are not small :sweat_smile:
Had another review session.
Time to call it a day, I think.


good job trunk cat. I look forward to seeing that golden circle on you.


Hooray! Really glad you’re enjoying it :blush: obviously at some point you need to read the Kitty Detectives volumes :wink:


:heart_eyes_cat: You have just changed my life! I always had to get uncomfortably close to my monitor to read certain Kanji. Thank you so, so much!!!