[Tool] Manga Analyzer - Get quick stats about your manga

:warning: This is a third-party script/app and is not created by the WaniKani team. By using this, you understand that it can stop working at any time or be discontinued indefinitely.

This tool was originally meant for gauging the difficulty of manga, to see if it fits ABBC or not, but it can be easily used to check or compare the stats of manga you own.


Analyzing manga requires that it’s first ran through Mokuro. This might require a bit of setup time, and it can take a few minutes for it to run through a volume. Read the linked thread for details.

Everything is stored locally and no actual server is involved with the page.

The difficulty of a given manga often isn’t proportional to the stats shown. There are a lot of other factors, that the tool currently doesn’t have access to, such as furigana or individual word difficulty. Some of these are planned to be addressed in future updates, but currently the judgement is up to the user.

What is it?

Manga Analyzer is a website, where you can upload your manga after running it through Mokuro, and get pretty statistics out of it.


The website currently has two main features:

Displaying statistics for a single manga (see image above). You can optionally choose to display, how the uploaded manga compares to the ABBC average (other book clubs are coming soon, just gotta get my wallet ready).

Comparing two manga. This way you can for example see what a new manga is like in terms of difficulty, or pick out the easier/harder manga from a pool of options.

Manga can be saved, and by the tool comes with the whole ABBC selection by default.


Open me up for the guide

To use the site, first and foremost, you need to acquire a drm free copy of the manga you want to analyze and run it through Mokuro. Read the linked thread for details. Afterwards if you visit the site, at the top there’ll be an upload section:

Select the json files that are in the _ocr/[manga name] directory relative to where you’ve ran mokuro from. Afterwards, press analyze. Some parts of the tool need to be loaded up the first time you run it after every visit, which takes a bit of time, but afterwards analyzation should be basically instantaneous.

After the diagrams are shown, you can save it for later use using the dialog that appears on the top left:


You can load up previous results using the downwards arrow button in the list of saves:


If you have a manga loaded up, you can select another for comparison using the sideways arrow symbol that appears:


Possible future updates

  • It would be beneficial to see the N level distribution of words, which would give another dimension one could consider
  • A simple thing I could show (and did in a very early version) is the number of unique words

I’m noticing some glitching when I use the site related to the sidebar for preloaded manga. It blocks off the far left of the data and prevents the text there from loading, while the numbers linger.

Interesting, how big is your screen? I sorta knew about this, but per my testing, I didn’t see a situation in which this could occur.

Roughly 9 x 14 inches.

I was mostly curious about the resolution

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Now the results contain unique word counts:


This is mainly useful for seeing roughly were a manga gets easier/harder in a vague sense (or where a random text dump appears, for example, the spike above is a page of Shogi in Ayumu). Keep in mind, this won’t appear for old results (for the ABBC saves, reload them), so you need to analyze them again and overwrite the original.

Now it’s also possible to close the saves panel. @axelmania you didn’t get back to me, but this should roughly solve your issue.

You can also download your saved data as json (and then load it in). It’s not the most revolutionary feature, it’s mainly there to help me with updating the “selected results” json file, but it might be useful for some, for example for backing up, or changing computers.

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Now there’s also JLPT level breakdown for words:


Averages and standard deviations don’t qute make as much sense for these, so they are not displayed. The diagram displays unique words, so if a given word appears multiple times, it will still be counted only once.

This is most useful for determining roughly the intended audience for a given manga, which in turn can tell you the difficulty.


The following is the result for からかい上手の高木さん

As you can see, the tallest group is N5 words, and the rest roughly decreases from there (there are always a lot of “Unknown” category words, that’s just a property of this method).

Compared to 終末のワルキューレ:
Now the result roughly pivots around N3, and there is a whole lot more of them.

As usual, these are only included for newly parsed books.

There were also some slightly smaller changes to the actual site’s UX, but nothing major.