Tips or a pick-me-up? (18 months of learning, slow progress)

It seems that your sense of a lack of focus comes from the lack of a tangible goal of what you want to do with Japanese. It is difficult to feel progress when there isnt something specific to progress towards.


  • Drop podcasts

  • If you like writing diary entries, maybe Lang-8 is a better platform than HelloTalk. If you are going to use it a few times a week, consider premium.

  • Use WaniKani a lot more. You have the time if youre spending a few hours a day with Japanese things. The linked guide should help with setting a schedule that works for you.

  • Use TaeKim’s guide to supplement/reinforce classroom learning. Start from the beginning and read a chapter or two a day.

  • Read out loud something with native speaker audio so you can practice producing the sounds. Graded readers on physical or digital form. Satori Reader is another possibility.

  • Drop any passive input that you wouldnt do if it was in your native language. For example, if youre watching a certain TV show just because its in Japanese. Probably better to play more 太鼓の達人 instead.