Hi everyone! Sorry for the delay posting this. Please pretend it’s still Thursday.
Viking (5) - Updated the mnemonic.
々 (2) - Updated the reading mnemonic.
霜 (48) - Added そう as an on’yomi reading.
外 (3) - Added “external” to the allow list, and added のadjective to the word type.
組 (7) - Updated the reading explanation.
お知らせ (8) - Updated one context sentence and added one context sentence.
海岸 (11) - Added "seahell” to the block list.
運動 (12) - Added “support” to the block list.
野球 (12) - Added “basketball” to the block list.
水曜日 (18) - Updated one context sentence translation.
制度 (21) - Updated a context sentence.
事件 (21) - Updated one context sentence translation.
検問する (21) - Updated one context sentence.
検査 (21) - Updated one context sentence translation.
省く (21) - Updated one context sentence translation.
退く (28) - Added “to limit” to the block list.
旅券 (28) - Updated the meaning explanation.
怒り (29) - Updated meaning mnemonic, updated reading mnemonic.
怒気 (29) - Moved “fit of anger” to the warning list, added “ire,” “rage,” “fury,” “lividness,” and “wrath” to the allow list, updated meaning mnemonic, and added context sentences.
直航 (29) - Updated a context sentence.
添える (29) - Made “to add something to” the primary meaning, added “to include something” as an alternative meaning, moved “to append” to the allow list, added “to accompany,” “to lend,” “to add to,” to garnish with,” “to affix,” “to add something,” “to attach,” “to attach something,” “to affix something,” “to affix something to,” “to add,” “to include,” “to supplement something,” and “to supplement” to the allow list, and updated the meaning and reading explanations.
痛み止め (29) - Added “pain reliever” to the allow list.
恐怖 (29) - Added “dread” to the allow list.
禅宗 (29) - Added “Zen Buddhism” to the allow list.
宗教 (29) - Added “faith,” “belief,” and “religious belief” to the allow list.
睡眠薬 (29) - Added “sleeping medication” as the alternative meaning, moved “sleeping drugs” and “sleeping medicine” to the allow list, added “sleeping drug,” “sleeping pill,” “sleeping tablets,” and “sleeping tablet” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
見極める (29) - Added “to ascertain,” “to ascertain something,” “to assess,” “to assess something,” “to truly assess,” “to truly assess something,” “to make sure,” “to make sure of,” and “to investigate” to the allow list, and added “to watch to the end,” “to watch something to the end,” “to see,” and “to watch” to the warning list.
宗派 (29) - Added “persuasion” to the allow list.
診る (29) - Added “to diagnose” to the allow list.
招き猫 (29) - Updated a context sentence.
汚す (34) - Added “to dirty,” “to dirty something,” “to sully,” “to contaminate,” “to taint,” and “to soil” to the allow list.
不祥事 (52) - Added “deplorable event” to the allow list and updated the meaning explanation.
惨事 (53) - Added “tragedy” and “gruesome event” to the alternative meanings, moved “horrible accident” to the allow list, added “terrible accident,” “tragic event,” “tragic accident,” and “gruesome accident” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
分泌 (60) - Moved ぶんぴ reading to the warning list, and updated the reading explanation.