Bow (2) - Added artwork.
Child (2) - Added artwork and updated the meaning mnemonic.
Cow (2) - Added artwork, updated the meaning mnemonic, and added “bull,” “ox,” and “steer” to the warning list.
Dirt (2) - Added artwork and updated the meaning mnemonic.
Dog (2) - Added artwork and updated the meaning mnemonic.
Evening (2) - Added artwork and updated the meaning mnemonic.
Eye (2) - Added artwork.
Fire (2) - Added artwork and updated the meaning mnemonic.
Five (2) - Added artwork and updated the meaning mnemonic.
Flag (2) - Added artwork.
Hair (2) - Added artwork and updated the meaning mnemonic.
Hand (2) - Added artwork, updated the meaning mnemonic, and added “palm” to the warning list.
Head (2) - Added artwork and updated the meaning mnemonic.
令 (11) - Added 冷 (28) to the visually similar list.
親分 (12) - Moved “kingpin,” “chief,” and “head” to the allow list, added “leader” as the alternative meaning, added “crime boss,” “yakuza boss,” “gang boss,” “crime leader,” “yakuza leader,” “gang leader,” “parent figure,” and “guiding figure” to the allow list, added “manager” to the warning list, and updated meaning explanation.
現す (25) - Added “to show something” and “to reveal something” to the allow list.
再度 (26) - Updated one context sentence translation.
降伏 (55) - Updated one context sentence translation.