Thursday January 23 2025 Content Updates


Nine (1) - Added artwork.

Person (1) - Added artwork and updated mnemonic.

Power (1) - Added artwork.

Prison (1) - Added artwork and updated mnemonic.

River (1) - Added artwork and updated mnemonic.

Seven (1) - Added artwork.

Slide (1) - Added artwork.

Stick (1) - Added artwork and updated mnemonic.

Sun (1) - Added artwork and updated mnemonic.

Toe (1) - Added artwork, updated mnemonic, and added “to” to the allow list.

Tree (1) - Added artwork.

Two (1) - Added artwork.

Woman (1) - Added artwork and updated mnemonic.


(5) - Added “hide,” “pelt,” and “peel” to the allow list, added “wide” to the block list.

(30) - Updated the primary meaning to “purchase”, moved “subscription” and “subscribe” to the warning list, added “purchasing,” “buying,” and “buy” to the allow list, updated the meaning mnemonic and hint, and updated the reading mnemonic and hint.


入る (1) - Added いる to the warning list.

少ない (3) - Added “too much” to the block list.

一本気 (4) - Added “single-minded” and “one-track-minded” to the allow list.

休止 (4) - Moved “suspension” to the alternative meaning.

(5) - Added “peel” as an alternative meaning, added “pelt” to the allow list, and updated meaning explanation.

受かる (13) - Updated meaning explanation.

説明 (17) - Added “description” as an alternative meaning, added “explain,” “explaining,” “describe,” and “describing” to the allow list, added “commentary,” “caption,” “legend,” “direction,” “instruction,” “explanatory,” “account,” “account for,” “accounting for,” “illustration,” “illustrate,” “illustrating,” “tell,” and “telling” to the warning list, and updated meaning explanation.

解説 (21) - Added “explain,” “explaining,” “commenting on,” “comment on,” and “commenting about” to the allow list, added “comment,” “commenting,” “interpretation,” “interpret,” “interpreting,” “analysis,” “analyse,” “analyze,” “analysing,” and “analyzing” to the warning list, and updated meaning explanation.

(23) - Moved みさき to the warning list.

抜く (25) - Updated one context sentence translation.

逮捕 (25) - Updated one context sentence translation.

模様 (25) - Updated two context sentence translations.

構成 (25) - Updated one context sentence translation.

往復 (26) - Updated one context sentence translation.

購読 (30) - Added “subscribing” as an alternative meaning, added “subscribing to,” “subscribe,” and “subscribe to” to the allow list, added “take,” “taking,” “take in,” “taking in,” “read,” and “reading” to the warning list, and updated the meaning explanation.

購入 (30) - Added “purchasing” as an alternative meaning, added “buying” and “buy” to the allow list, and updated meaning explanation.

購買 (30) - Added “school shop” and “campus store” as alternative meanings, added “purchase,” “buying,” “buy,” “school store,” and “campus shop” to the allow list, and updated meaning explanation.

微か (30) - Updated reading explanation.

購読する (32) - Updated meaning explanation.

久しい (32) - Updated the context sentences.

紛糾 (42) - Added “diffusion” to the block list.

揺らぐ (46) - Added “to waver” and “to falter” to the allow list, and updated one context sentence translation.



  1. add あざ to the alternative reading of kanji 字 (じ).
  2. add うま to the alternative reading and “horse (chinese zodiac)” as a alternative meaning of kanji 午 (ご).
  3. add のう to the alternative reading of kanji 王 (おう).
  4. add さ and さぶ to the alternative reading of kanji 三 (さん). Personal names like 三郎 (さぶろう) or 三ヶ瀬 (さのせ) for example. And places like as 三ヶ草 (さがくさ).
  5. add だま to the alternative reading of kanji 玉 (たま). For exemple: person name = 児玉 (こだま) and 小玉 (こだま) = small ball, globule, piece of fruit.
  6. add じ to the alternative reading of kanji 二 (に).

What would be the point? Adding these uncommon/exceptional readings and meanings is just going to confuse beginners who already have to deal with way too much information for these basic kanji. WaniKani isn’t a dictionary.


there’s a common kanji that is not on wanikani like 罠. if you are thinking of adding more of common kanji I hope you may consider this. thanks