The first fall & standing back up

Step 1: Stop lessons. Immediately.

If you can’t do the review load then you need to get the review load to a place that’s manageable.

To do that, once you’ve stopped lessons, do whatever reviews you can until you get that Apprentice number to under 100.

Once you’ve gotten Apprentice under 100, then start lessons again with the following rules:

  1. No more than 100 Apprentice items. If you have 95 apprentice items you only do 5 lessons that day.
  2. 20 lessons per day maximum.

That should get you to a place where you’ll consistently have 150-200 reviews per day and a leveling pace of 11-13 days depending on your accuracy.

Once you’ve got that down, you can experiment with the lesson and apprentice maximum if you want. That will have a small effect on your speed. You’ll cut it down to maybe 9 days with an extra 10 lessons per day.

I did the stuff I mentioned above and averaged only about an hour a day on WK.

Want more speed?

If you want to go faster, then you need to:

  • Split your time into 3 sessions per day: e.g. 9am, 1pm, 9pm
  • The time interval between sessions is crucial to catch the first two Apprentice intervals. That’s the key to speed.

For more info:

My Journey of 368 days (+ The Ultimate Guide for WK 📖 ) - #2 by jprspereira

Yup. Had massive problems at the same level as you.