The 2017-2018 WaniKani Lifetime Sale

I saved $1.76 :grin:


sure, why not :slight_smile: XD

My sub expires September 11, 2018, just under a year from now yet apparently I get no discount whatsoever (aside from the already discounted 199 price), what’s up with that? Is it because I payed via Paypal? if so, that’s a little ridiculous…

If you’re not seeing a credit, it’s probably because of PayPal. Just contact and they’ll most likely work something out for you. Their system doesn’t handle PayPal automatically (last I knew, anyway).


Will the annual discount code get changed again? As it is again 100% being used by whoever feels like it.

Also instead of paying for lifetime at anytime, just google for annual code and its suppose to be super easy to find if you think you can finish wanikani in 4 years.

oops here is the first link from bing search and its listed hereeeeeee.

I did the thing

That code hasn’t been valid for a long while, hyehye


It is indeed because of Paypal, as @rfindley so kindly said! That’s because those payments don’t get associated with your account, as they’re all done manually–dare I say artisanally–by hand.

And also like @rfindley said, just email us at (if you haven’t yet) and we’ll make it right.


If someone used it last year and got this year 50% off would it then just not work when subscription goes to renew?

Yay! It was painful to wait for the few months for this sale - but at least I nearly perfected the first few levels! Wahoo! Now you’re stuck with me for life! Muahahah!


If you claimed it before it expired, you’re good.

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I wanna hear about an offline app! I think an app would dramatically increase your lifetime subscribers!


Got it! Now going through the checklist and saying hi. How long does it take peole to get through the first couple levels?

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The first few levels take a while. But enjoy it while it lasts!

Later, things will really start to speed up. :smirk:

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It seems I actually had to log out and log in for it to update to purple!

You might be able to email hello@wanikani to inquire!

Cheers, I already did! :slight_smile: I will overthink it until January I guess.

I’ve just married the Crabigator! I still feel a bit tingly, but I’m hyped to restart my kanji learning journey! Here’s to all of the members of the #CrabigatorHarem :champagne::wine_glass:


Oh, wow, even I’m purple now.


Me buying the lifetime subscription