The 🤼 プロレス thread! Learning Japanese through pro wrestling

In other news, I finally finished the translation for TJPW’s June 18 show. It’s really short, so I really have no excuse for taking so many days, haha, but I was trying to work on Tobira and my wrestling journal, and kept running out of time :sweat_smile:.

The only match of real plot significance was the main event: Rika & Suzume vs Himawari & Yuki Aino. Rika and Suzume got the win here.

Tatsumi: (to Suzume) “Thank you! From today, the preview matches as we look to Ota City have started. At this rate, I’m going to win all of the preview matches and get the victory on the appointed day as well, so please watch me. I’d like to thank everyone who came today, and everyone who watched the stream. The full card for July 8 Ota City has been set… how do you feel about it?”

Then Rika said, “意気込み、せっかくなので.” I couldn’t quite figure out what to do with that せっかく, haha.

“I’m excited, because it’s finally happening.”

Suzume: “Some wrestlers will be coming back after an absence, and being able to fight together as Daisy Monkey, not to mention Rika-san’s match, it’s going to be a hot summer. Let’s be sure to see each other in Ota City!”

Tatsumi: “Let’s do it!”

The middle of this sentence was a bit confusing: “じゃあね、今日も東京女子プロレスのすばらしさをみなさんに伝えて、大田区もまだまだこんなもんじゃないぞと最高を更新していきますので、最後はよっしゃいくぞー!で締めたいと思います.”

“Well, I’m going to keep conveying TJPW’s magnificence to everyone, and I’ll keep improving upon my best with the thought that there’s still more to come in Ota City, too, so I want to close with ‘YOSSHA IKUZO!’”

Tatsumi closes with: “In the future, too, TJPW will… ready, set—YOSSHA IKUZO!”

Here are Rika and Suzume’s comments:

Tatsumi: “Well, thankfully there are still some more preview matches, and I think I was really in great condition today. Are there two more?”

These two sentences were a bit confusing: “前哨戦も全部ぶち当たって、傾向と対策をバッチリにして。大田区の勝率が100%のリカちゃんでいこうと思ってます.” I got tripped up on “傾向”, and couldn’t quite figure out what was happening in that second sentence.

“I’m going to run through all of the preview matches, and fine-tune my individual quirks and countermeasures. I’ll be going with Rika-chan, who has a 100% win rate in Ota City. 100%. Thank you for today!”

Suzume: “I was with Rika-san, who’s in perfect form, and I think this was the hottest match right now as we head into summer.”

This line was tricky: “その場所に私も立てて、めちゃめちゃ熱い気持ちが大田区、夏に向いたので.”

“I was also able to stand at that spot, that super hot feeling that is Ota City, as we head into summer. I’m going to do my best.”

Tatsumi: “Midsummer… don’t forget it!”

(Did you feel the challenger’s momentum through fighting her?)

“Yes. I really felt her momentum. After all, Yuki really, really wants that belt right now. I’d also like to see her wear a belt, but, well, I have it. Because it’s mine, I can’t really give it up.”

Yuki and Himawari’s comments:

Aino: “I lost. I lost the first preview match. Damn… it’s frustrating! Sorry.”

HIMAWARI: “I’m worthless.”

Aino: “No, no, that’s not true. You were doing your best. You were so strong.”

I got a bit confused by what was going on here: “めちゃ強かったもん。もっとね、私が助けられるところは助けて、でしゃばれるところはでしゃばって勝ちにいきたかったんですけど、悔しいですね.”

“I wanted to do more. I wanted to help where I could, and butt in where I could, and get the victory, but… It’s frustrating. Today I wasn’t a match for her. But, just facing her a little, Rika-san has a really passionate heart, so she came at me with intensity, and we really raised the energy here. I’m disappointed that I lost, but I’m really fired up. I don’t know how many preview matches we have left, but I want to raise the level even more as we head into Ota City. I will definitely win the next one!”

And that’s it for that show! Next up, they’re doing two VOD shows, and then Summer Sun Princess on July 7!

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