The new ‘feature’ where a review won’t allow you to fail a review without matching okurigana is yet-another-example of WaniKani releasing ‘features’ without proper consultation or beta-testing with actual customers. This is a very discouraging trend with WK development.
@Mods please take notice!
When I see 隠れる and I can’t remember the answer, I just type ‘a’, yielding あ, and press Enter. I’ve been doing it this way for literal years now, and I am not happy when I see this message:
That looks like a typo. You’re missing some visible kana.
And there is no way to skip this! I have to manually reproduce the exact trailing kana perfectly to be allowed to just move on to the next review???
Get the F#@& out of here!
Who the heck approved this UI regression? This is not a ‘feature’. A feature does not disrupt the normal, everyday functioning that is established and expected from your users. That’s called a BUG!
WK development team needs to get their act together. You’re behaving like this is your first rodeo, never released a major software product before, haven’t been in business for literally over a decade! This is beginner blunder stuff going on here.
You need to start a dedicated beta / early-access / whatever-you-want-to-call-it system so you can try out little UI experiments like this on a willing user base, not on your entire unsuspecting, paying customer base. You’re not doing yourself any favours with this incompetence.
Harsh words, but WK devs need a wake-up call, so harsh words are called for, IMHO. Stop messing around with your customers!
Bottom line: This UI change should be immediately reverted, and then you can try it out in some beta branch or whatever, work out the kinks there, and then maybe, if the actual users like it and want it, then you can deploy it to the main site.
But for now, please revert the F out of this regressive ‘feature’ now, so we can get back to doing our reviews with ease, not with artificial hurdles and road-bumps that were not there 24 hours ago!