Teasing Master Takagi-san 😝 ・ Volume 3 Discussion Thread [Volume Complete]

It usually is, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be. It’s technically just the least casual option between なんか、なんて、など..

But given that the more casual you are in Japanese, the ruder it can be taken, it is definitely considered to be more derisive than the other options (in most uses).


Is VN a Visual Novel? I head about graphic novels too, and simply novels and books. Is there any difference between books and novels? i guess these second ones are softer
By the way, since I recently watched the anime Re:zero and found its book club here on the forum, I noticed that its light novel is in the Advanced book club… I didn’t even know it existed, now I wonder what difference there is between it and the intermediate


I thought that なんて was more casual, so I guess that the same things you said about なんか apply to なんて…? (About negative nuances used after a word)

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なんか = informal, used in spoken Japanese, usually carries a more negative nuance

なんて = less formal, used in spoken Japanese, more neutral than なんか because it’s more polite

など = formal, not really used when speaking, usually just when writing

Speed of reading, so longer books allowed, and they tackle higher level material also.

If you are looking at the Natively level for Re:Zero and saying “but it’s rated lower than AoT,” keep in mind that you shouldn’t directly compare levels for novels and manga. They are two very different beasts.


The original article is from an very old magazine. It was republished in a book called “Mangajin’s Basic Japanese Through Comics” (and there’s also a part two).

Later, the author reworked a lot of the material into a new book called Japanese the Manga Way. (WaniKani’s owners reviewed this one.)

The Mangajin books are out-of-print, but you might be able to find copies of them on Amazon. They might be expensive because they are rare.

Japanese the Manga Way is probably out-of-print now too, so it might be hard to find and expensive. It’s a shame, too, because they’re all such good books.





Actually the lower level is for the manga version, they’re both listed on natively, the novel if I’m not wrong is listed a scary 37 :exploding_head:
Maybe in a couple years…


Hmm I thought it was just an abstract from some article, I’ll hardly buy the books, also recently I’m so much enjoying this study method (if we can call it so) of reading and looking things up that I completely lost the interest for any grammar book… don’t know if this is good tho :thinking:

On another subject, today I got delivered a Kindle Oasis. It’s quite smaller than I thought but the zoom function works good… at least at my current level, since I move slowly between speech bubbles. Maybe at an advanced level, when you read one in 5 seconds, it’s a stress to zoom in and out but I won’t have this problem for some time :joy:
Only downside is the display reaction times that are significantly slower than those of a tablet


I see again this できまい, what is this まい exactly that attaches to verb stem?

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This is normal for an e-ink display. I don’t know the speed for the Kindle Oasis, but e-ink devices with an expensive processor can get a decent speed. (But they’re expensive).

I currently read digital manga on my desktop computer, and I still zoom in all the time. It makes it easier to see the kanji, but also I like having one panel fill the screen so I’m not seeing the next panels yet.


Oh really? I was basing my assumption on your opinion of last time of zooming being uncomfortable on e-ink (if I remember well)

same, I hate spoilers so much that if I could I’d just check panel by panel :joy:

Anyway I’m not complaining with the kindle oasis but for being the fastest model and for having such reduced functions (and for being only B&W) I expected something slightly more performing
Very happy with the purchase though

(Also, I will be buying both digital and physical from now on)


It’s very uncomfortable on my Kobo e-reader. Zooming requires going into a menu and half the time zooming doesn’t work right.

I replaced that with the Onyx Boox Gulliver e-reader for manga, and zooming is fast and easy. (But still slower than a tablet.)

I used to do reading on my bus commutes, but since I work from home right now I don’t take the bus. So I read manga on my computer monitor right now.


Wow this sounds like a hell :flushed: is it an older one or is just the zoom function that is fucked up?
I mean on the Kobo

Also, here’s the reaction times of the Kindle Oasis (made a gif, don’t know how to upload a video from iPhone)


Not the fastest but I’m finding good


The Kobo is an older one, and it wasn’t designed with comics in mind.

The Kindle Oasis looks like it’s actually pretty fast for an e-reader!


Smaller than it looks, I have small hands

Edit: I just discovered a double tap function that is simply awesome, almost instantaneous zoom on the speech bubble, and also in the right measure. Double tap again and back to full page
(Just randomly reviewing it in case it helps someone haha!)


即答か→ Immediate reply…? (What an immediate reply…)
次は失敗するかと→next time may fail (supposing Takagi and not him)
とかない→ ???
余裕→ ??? Composure? Who is referring to?


わき腹→side (of the torso)
とかいう→Among other things, it’s said (?)
強い人→strong person

Generally, among the other things, the side is weak, they say, but something like strong people/ person exists

This doesn’t make sense at all…


Don’t forget to factor in the の and か at the end there.


Reading のか something clicked, could it be translated into “does a strong person even exist? “ (meaning, is there anyone without this exact weak spot?)


I have this. :man_shrugging:

If something is hard to find, might as well get it.


Also I learned basic database stuff from a database manga book, haha.

I’ll get to your questions after I get home. :slight_smile: