Struggling with listening

I’ll add to the already good recommendations the method I use. This one. It’s basically a mix that allows you to get full revenues of the shows you watch already, by using Anki and a handy plugin. First I watch the show with JP subs (which is my hardcore comprehension test), then english subs (the part where I actually get how far I was from the actual content of the show). Then that show goes into the whole Anki routine and every sentence gets an audio card where I can clearly listen to the sentences over and over, then see the actual sentence in japanese and only at the end I get to see the translated line in english.

I consider this routine great for reviewing sentences from shows you are familiarized already and spoon feed you the content it’s not yet familiar, using the whole motivation mindset of understanding something you are really aiming to consume (it’s not this why we’re learning japanese in the first place? :yum: ) . Then you could do the passive version of this AJATT style , and rip the audio of the show for listening while doing idle activities, which has benefits on it’s own too.

All in all, I found this way you can integrate listening to the whole vocab and grammar routine :ok_hand: and why not make learning more related to the actual content you’re striving to enjoy :slightly_smiling_face:


@BassGriff Exactly my point. I was doing the textbook CD listening practice prior to this. And the mindset was… getting over with it… answering the questions they ask from me in the textbook and I’m done (I didn’t care much about whatever Mary and Takeshi were doing tbh :joy: )
But with the way I’m doing things now, I care to actually understand, as this are the characters from the show I’m watching, and the words will come out again and the phrasing in which the tell them will repeat too, so there’s the reward of understanding more, wether to sometimes get the nuances that are missed in the translation or simply the fact that I’m able to understand a bit more of the whole plot of every episode as I do it.

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