And thanks to you I have just learnt a new English word.
i’m trying to relearn and focusing on kanji so wanikani has been a great place. Kanji has always been my biggest barrier (minus knowing where to put particles) aha. Hope you don’t mind me replying with diary esque entries like you here.
Book 1: チワワの花すけ
new vocab: シマウマ- Zebra
はっぱ- leaf
夕方/ゆうがた- evening
Funny thing, in kanji that’s 縞馬 - stripe horse.
ブラシ: Brush. (Could figure that one out but. Nice to know eitherway!)
Thank you, @downtimes @yamitenshi, for your assistance with Book 3’s title. I still have a way to go in translating/comprehending Japanese when it’s more “conceptual” like this, so I appreciate your insight.
You’re welcome @drdru, haha! Not sure it was the greatest discovery I could have bestowed you though
Book 4: 広島宮島に行きましょう
New vocab learnt:
- 新幹線 (しんかんせん) = bullet train
- 路面電車 (ろめんでんしゃ) = tram
- 原爆 (げんばく) = atomic bomb
- 神社 (じんじゃ) = Shinto shrine
- 鹿 (しか) = deer
I’ll unfortunately need to put my Japanese reading on pause over March due to taking on a major work project, but I’ve found the practice to be massively beneficial so far (and I’m only four books in).
Fellow newbies, don’t be afraid to give reading a go if you’re curious about doing so. You don’t need to wait for someone to tell you you’re “ready”. If I can find genuine joy in inching through Level 0 readers, anything is possible for you!