Slooshy’s Study Log 🦑

:grin: awesome!!! :smiley: thank you for your encouragement!

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Omg wow!!! Goldlisting looks absolutely excellent! Thank you so so much for sharing this method!!!

( o _ O) ~ !!!

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Today so far:

:heavy_check_mark: Did reviews.
:heavy_check_mark: Added 10 or 15 new vocabulary words.
:heavy_check_mark: Advanced another chapter in Human Japanese.
:heavy_check_mark: Read the next lesson story chapter here:

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419 reviews! Using a keyboard, so it’ll be trivial I’m sure… :sweat_smile: …jk lol

(thanks, Skymaiden!! <3 )


down to 337


Starting a new bout of reviews – current count is 337. (That’s of course not counting whatever is stacking up in the meantime…heh…)

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Down to 86! :grinning:


welp, these timestamps are unhelpful in the extreme…lol…I was hoping to use these posts to track the amount of time it was taking me. My impression is that it’s about 100 an hour for me…it’s also been a pretty consistent 80-84%, which in my opinion it has no right to be. Last time I did this it was like in the low seventies, but it may have been more to do with stress than I realized at the time. (Not that I’m stress-free right now, but in comparison it’s nothing.)

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Aww, thanks @skymaiden! super encouraged :crab:


Thanks, @ChristopherFritz! :smile:

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You’re killing it! :muscle: :sparkles:

BTW I don’t know if you’ve already seen, but you can see detailed timestamps if that’s what you were hoping for - on mobile just click the “3m” (maybe hover on desktop?)


omgeeeeee thank you!!! Sure enough, there’s the stamps!! :smile: so happy!

Down to 10 now! wonder how many are waiting outside…heheh…

track five’s got some hot lap steel bits…like…goosebumps


wooooooooo I did it! Clear queue, ready to start the next lessons bright and early tomorrow. :slight_smile:

ahhhhhhh…now to experience the results of my slackitude by checking out NHK News Web Easy for a moment…

Probably due to the fact that I’d been not taking any lessons for a while there, my review stack grew only by 3 as I completed the original 419 or whatever it was. Thank goodness…

(thank you for your encouragement, @chemifox and @ChristopherFritz!)


My feeling after browsing the …you know what? I’m just going to let my typos stand for now, ok? I’m blaming WaniKani for all my typos.

So, starting again…

My feeling after brousing the NHK News Web Easy is that I should come back after I hit level 24-30 or so…l0l what a disaster. I do need to learn things like "など” though… so i guess I meay as well stick it out even though I CANT REED.


Are you facing a lack of grammar or vocabulary that you know?

For vocabulary, if you’re using a Firefox or Chrome web browser, have you tried installed the Yomichan extension and some free dictionaries for it?

For grammar, are you familiar with how to look up online any unknown grammar you encounter?


I have been looking up stuff, it’s just a matter of pounding it in and making it permanent, also getting the brain to keep making steps. I actually feel like what i need to focus on also is listening – that italki youtube channel was super helpful. It’s like my brain needs to just gradually start chunking it up right, and of course that’s going to take time and exposure. But yes, in answer to your question i have a variety of fine, searchable resources to draw from and it’s really helpful. And yes, vocabulary is a problem, and grammar is a problem. But right now I think that the little connecting words are eating me alive and will continue to do so until i get them under my belt. Goldlisting actually sounds legit.

Thank you for helping me!

P.S. I don’t know if it’s just me being superstitious, but i feel like something like yomichan (is it like rikaikun?) will actually not help me so much because it’s going to be too easy. I feel like an important step is my brain making guesses. If i curtail that by getting instant gratification I think I’ll just get really good at not actually realizing that I don’t know the words. I don’t have any real reason to believe myself on that, but it just seems like what’s happening, that “guess and guess and then confirm” method I’m using, is actually helping me remember stuff more firmly than what I just am able to sweep by because of seeing on-hover translations of words.

But it’s been recommended a lot, so maybe it’s even more helpful to get exposure to the translations…?


Yomichan only displays when you request it on a word, so you can keep doing your “guess guess confirm” right on the same page :slight_smile:


It’s essentially the same thing. I can’t tell all the Rikai’s apart, so this post helped me:

I actually haven’t used any of these extensions before. (I installed Yomichan just before mentioning it.) So you could be right about the potential dangers. Even though you can to perform an action to get the translation to show up, I can definitely see myself using it and then saying “wait, I could have recognized this word if I gave myself a chance”. It’s something I’m going to have to keep an eye out for if I use it.


Beautiful! That’s great! :grapes:

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Ok I’m officially having trouble with the conception of time. 以後 “from after”, meaning looking forward into the future, or looking at the present time as a cutoff, with everything beforehand as “behind/before”? I’m having trouble with the co-definitions “Behind” and “After”, because there are these two ways of thinking about time that I’ve never had to really differentiate before. One is the timeline, like a number line, where prior events are “Behind” current ones, and I still have that second kanji in my head as Behind. But there’s also the way of looking forward at the moments ahead like…slides in a projector, that are advancing towards me, and in that case “Behind” is looking at the edges of the many many unviewed slides in the future…I’m sure I’m making this much harder than it is, but I know that lots of people have trouble with the time-related discriptors and with that I’m done not correcting typoes because it’s just flirting with disaster. I want to be able to have good accurace at seed…p…(ugh) again dammit lol