Show me your books!

I am currently visiting Japan for the first time and just couldn’t leave the bookstore without buying something. I joked about needing to buy another carry-on luggage to haul all of the books and games I’ll buy home, but that’s absolutely not a joke anymore… :sweat_smile:

スーパーの裏でヤニ吸うふたり was of course the first thing that caught my eye. We’ve been reading these in the book club, it only makes sense to also get a physical set… if only to show to other people this series that convinced me I could actually start reading Japanese. I don’t need lookups anymore after preparing the vocabulary sheets. :innocent:

The おまけ postcards are actually a really nice touch, I don’t think these are properly available digitally as they are especially for TSUTAYA? The green one is a four-page mini comic that made me laugh out aloud.


Then we have the series that @MissDagger recommended to me about an adult slice-of-life setting place in Finland of all places. There was a huge aisle setup with “Tervetuloa Metsapeuraan” catching both of our attention. (I resisted the temptation to correct the ä of metsä.) No way I could leave without these.

And yeah, then I walked across ホリミヤ. I was complaining about the quality of the digital versions here, glad I can now join the club properly with physical media in hand. They had ran out of volume 16, so I’ll be hunting that down still.

There are still a ton of other bookstores to visit, hopefully I can show some restraint in the future.