Short Grammar Questions (Part 1)

くる is an auxiliary verb, you can read more about them here:

In the case of this definition they’re probably using the standard meaning of 来る, “to come,” so it’s like saying “bring (someone) along and come” which sounds awkward in English, but is a very common construction in Japanese.


Hmm I think I understand the usage of each one after I read this…
Thank you very much! I am still very behind in grammar and I am gradually catching up.

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I’m trying to learn として and にとって and I came across this sentence on Imabi:
Could someone explain to me why using として here is wrong? I’m not sure what point they’re trying to make here. Thanks :slight_smile:
There’s also this sentence which I don’t understand:
EDIT Wait I think I’ve figured the second one out. It’s talking about the conditions of being a masterpiece, right? :thinking:


Hardly an expert, but here are my two cents. My understanding is that として means “in the capacity of”. It is usually translated as “as”. For example.

私は医者としてあなたに言います (watashi wa isha toshite anata ni iimasu)

would mean “I am telling you (this), in my position as a doctor”, or more simply “As a doctor, I tell you (this)”.

Example sentence 5 is weird grammatically because it literally says something along the lines of “(this object), it being a masterpiece, make”. Nothing in the sentence is telling you what happens to the object in its “state” of being a masterpiece.

What is expected is that we describe something about the object in its capacity as a masterpiece.

Sentence 6, I find somewhat confusing. I seems to use として properly, as in this case, it is talking about a condition (条件 jouken) regarding (something’s) state as a masterpiece. I find it a bit confusing since it is not a complete sentence (where’s the verb?)


I think I get it now :open_mouth: Thank you so much!


I interpret として as being と particle + て form of する, so “doing as” would be a literal translation. I’m not sure if that’s actually the origin of the grammar point though.

I, doing (speaking) as a doctor, say to you.

Example #5 sounds like “I, as a masterpiece, create,” which doesn’t make sense.
I don’t know why they would phrase it like they did in English instead of “to create a masterpiece.”

Japanese doesn’t need a verb, the copula (です or だ) can be implied! Then again, maybe して could be counted as a verb in this instance :grinning:

However that sentence and its translation “Conditions as a best work masterpiece” are just nonsense to me… I need more context D:

Both of these have weird English translations… is this normal for Imabi?


Thank you!

I’m not sure :thinking: Usually the translations are closer to their original Japanese one (Like using “as for” for は all the time) but I don’t think I’ve come across something like this before.


Does anyone know what いいんちょ is supposed to mean or be a reference to? All I can find is that its an abbreviation for 委員長, but that really doesn’t explain what MC was going for when he said this about the 風紀委員長. Maybe that her appearance came just short of being fully 委員長y because of her ahoge?

That’s how I just read it.

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Could someone please help me understand the particles attached to 延ばす in this sentence? I understand that the bullet train that runs between the two stations is being lengthened to Sapporo in March of 2031. That’s at least what I came up with. The first まで is tripping me up the most.

Thank you!~

I believe までに means “by” or “not later than”.

So, As for JR,
The shinkansen that runs between Tokyo and Hokkaido’s Hakodate Hokuto(?) station will be lengthened to Sapporo by March 2031, they plan.

Or, in cleaner English,
JR plans to lengthen the Tokyo to Hakodate Hokuto shinkansen to Sapporo by March of 2031.

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Incidentally, the particles are attached to the noun before, not the verb after. All particles in Japanese are postpositions.

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So it does :slightly_smiling_face: Thank you, that makes sense now

I have a query about the ~ば/~なら form for nouns and na-adjectives

In the book I am using, it says that the conjugation for negative forms is as follows:
静かではない → 静かでなければ
雨ではない → 雨でなければ

My question is, what difference would it make if you didn’t drop the は?
Does it change the meaning? Or is it just wrong?
I guess I’m asking because 静かじゃない・雨じゃない sound OK, and so (to my ear) do 静かじゃなければ・雨じゃなければ, but maybe not?

Thanks in advance!


The balanced corpus of contemporary written Japanese has almost 4000 instances of でなければ.

It has 7 instances of ではなければ. And 6 of them come from blog posts.

108 instances for じゃなければ despite the fact that that is more likely to be spoken anyway.

At the very least, it seems like something to avoid.


So based on that, do you think it’s likely じゃなければ is okay in casual speech?

By the way, where did you search for this? I found this but the result count isn’t even close to what you posted, so I’m not sure if that’s the right thing. It would be really helpful to be able to search stuff like this directly.

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Yes, I asked a native and じゃなければ is definitely fine, and I would say more casual. This native said they don’t use ではなければ but couldn’t elaborate.

Click the button at the bottom, then OK.

EDIT: Oh, same thing you linked to though a few more clicks to get there from your link. Not sure why you got different results.


Probably because the search at the top of my link doesn’t search the same thing.


I have a quick question. Take the two sentences:

Assuming these are both grammatically correct, what would the difference in connotation be? I get the impression that the latter (if it’s even valid) would be more direct, but I’m not sure on that.

I’m not even sure how I would break down the difference between “I don’t think I’ll go” and “I think I won’t go” in English.