Review pile

Yes, reviews ~2 (or three) times per day is ideal. You can choose when to do your lessons (during either or both sessions, or at a different time.

There is a famous guide by @jprspereira that describes optimal timing if you want to be efficient and progress as quickly as possible. Personally, I never bothered with that though, and just did all my available reviews and between 0 and 25 lessons every morning with coffee in a single session (which is NOT the most efficient way, but three years was fast enough for me).

How many lessons I did depended on several factors. I always did my reviews first. If I was tired or the reviews seemed particularly difficult, I’d often do no lessons at all that day. If I was later on a level and only seeing vocabulary (which seemed easier to me since the characters were at least somewhat familiar) I might do 10, 15, or even 25 lessons. Early on a level when it was all new kanji, I almost never did more than 5 lessons/day.