[Request] Indicator of time used, shown in the review summary

So, the timer counting while you’re doing reviews is pretty distracting. Can it be removed somehow?

Frouzich said... So, the timer counting while you're doing reviews is pretty distracting. Can it be removed somehow?
 It's a feature! Race against the clock!

On a serious note: yea, I also found it distracting.

Oh ok, I thought that tampermonkey would be able to use greasemonkey functions for whatever reason.
I deleted the GM_ references and it’s all native/browser JS now, should work in both chrome and FF

horusscope said... Oh ok, I thought that tampermonkey would be able to use greasemonkey functions for whatever reason.
I deleted the GM_ references and it's all native/browser JS now, should work in both chrome and FF
 It SHOULD... but experience says it doesn't. The incompatibility's only recent I think, so it might be because of a Chrome/Tampermonkey update or something.
Mempo said...
horusscope said... Oh ok, I thought that tampermonkey would be able to use greasemonkey functions for whatever reason.
I deleted the GM_ references and it's all native/browser JS now, should work in both chrome and FF
 It SHOULD... but experience says it doesn't. The incompatibility's only recent I think, so it might be because of a Chrome/Tampermonkey update or something.
 I did that just a few minutes ago, it was using the "GM_" functions before.

Frouzich said... So, the timer counting while you're doing reviews is pretty distracting. Can it be removed somehow?
 I added a button to show/hide the in session timer

Confirmed working in Chrome (just tested with tampermonkey and canary)

Doesn’t work for me. :confused:

embe said... Doesn't work for me. :/


The timer is in two different places.
On the summary screen, it's at the bottom just above "Your last session activity", but on the review session it's in the top left

No trace of the timer nor the button.

embe said... No trace of the timer nor the button.
            </blockquote>&nbsp;Interesting, I used canary to test in chrome though <a href="https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/canary.html" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/canary.html</a><br>the tamper monkey I installed on it <a href="http://tampermonkey.net/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://tampermonkey.net/</a> was "tampermonkey stable"<br><br>So, couple Qs<br>Are you sure the script is installed? (Have you used tampermonkey/greasemonkey before?)<br>What version of chrome are you running? (I think you said you were on chrome)<br>Is there anything special about your config/userscripts? <br>
horusscope said...
embe said... No trace of the timer nor the button.
            </blockquote>&nbsp;Interesting, I used canary to test in chrome though <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/canary.html">https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/canary.html</a><br>the tamper monkey I installed on it <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://tampermonkey.net/">http://tampermonkey.net/</a> was "tampermonkey stable"<br><br>So, couple Qs<br>Are you sure the script is installed? (Have you used tampermonkey/greasemonkey before?)<br>What version of chrome are you running? (I think you said you were on chrome)<br>Is there anything special about your config/userscripts? <br>
            </blockquote>I get this error&nbsp;message in Chrome:<br><br><br><div>Syntax error @ 'Wanikani Egg Timer'!</div><div><br>##########################</div><div><br>JSHINT output:</div><div><br>script: (W119) 'default parameters' is only available in ES6 (use esnext option) on line: 13 at character: 25</div><div><br>script: (W014) Bad line breaking before '+' on line: 21 at character: 7</div><div><br>script: (W014) Bad line breaking before '+' on line: 22 at character: 7</div><div><br>script: (W014) Bad line breaking before '+' on line: 23 at character: 7</div><div><br>script: (W014) Bad line breaking before '+' on line: 60 at character: 13</div><div><br>script: (W004) 'footer' is already defined on line: 66 at character: 20</div><div><br>script: (W004) 'display' is already defined on line: 67 at character: 21</div><div><br>##########################</div><div><br><br></div><div>SyntaxError: Unexpected token =</div><div><br>&nbsp; &nbsp; at Function (native)</div><div><br>&nbsp; &nbsp; at c (&lt;anonymous&gt;:41:115)</div><div><br>&nbsp; &nbsp; at eval (eval at &lt;anonymous&gt; (unknown source), &lt;anonymous&gt;:1:24)</div><div><br>&nbsp; &nbsp; at eval (native)</div><div><br>&nbsp; &nbsp; at n (&lt;anonymous&gt;:72:175)</div><div><br>&nbsp; &nbsp; at ja (&lt;anonymous&gt;:41:158)</div><div><br>&nbsp; &nbsp; at ma (&lt;anonymous&gt;:83:93)</div><div><br>&nbsp; &nbsp; at b (&lt;anonymous&gt;:83:318)</div>
horusscope said...
embe said... No trace of the timer nor the button.
            </blockquote>&nbsp;Interesting, I used canary to test in chrome though <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/canary.html">https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/canary.html</a><br>the tamper monkey I installed on it <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://tampermonkey.net/">http://tampermonkey.net/</a> was "tampermonkey stable"<br><br>So, couple Qs<br>Are you sure the script is installed? (Have you used tampermonkey/greasemonkey before?)<br>What version of chrome are you running? (I think you said you were on chrome)<br>Is there anything special about your config/userscripts?&nbsp;</blockquote>&nbsp;Yes. I have a lot of scripts already installed.<br><span>&nbsp;Chrome&nbsp;47.0.2526.111 m (64-bit)<br></span>I have also tried disabling all other scripts I have and leaving on only this one but it changed nothing.

fixed in chrome 47 :slight_smile:

tomboy said... I get this error message in Chrome:

Syntax error @ 'Wanikani Egg Timer'!
JSHINT output:
script: (W119) 'default parameters' is only available in ES6 (use esnext option) on line: 13 at character: 25
 In case you're curious, this was the problem. Chrome doesn't support javascript default parameters e.g.
function name( param = defaultValue )

Although apparently the developer version of Chrome (Canary) already has ES6 (emscript 6 is a javascript "version") but the release version doesn't.

I’m very sure there used to be a script for this before. Not sure what happened to it, but I know I never installed it at the time because this was back in the day where WK was very laggy and I’d often go do something else in the middle of a review, which would have made all my review time statistics ridiculously long, a bit like this sentence. gasps Anyway, I tried a couple of searches and can’t find the script, so this was a pointless post.

Now it’s working. :slight_smile:

I just thought about how great it would be if this timer would also give you something like “your session took you xx:xx” on the summary screen after the review? I don’t know if that is possible though. Just thinking loud here. :wink:

espiacent said... I just thought about how great it would be if this timer would also give you something like "your session took you xx:xx" on the summary screen after the review? I don't know if that is possible though. Just thinking loud here. ;)
 It already does, but it's tiny, and at the bottom of the screen
Mempo said...
espiacent said... I just thought about how great it would be if this timer would also give you something like "your session took you xx:xx" on the summary screen after the review? I don't know if that is possible though. Just thinking loud here. ;)
 It already does, but it's tiny, and at the bottom of the screen
 Oh, lol. I'm blind apparently. ^^

This is an old thread but it seems like this app is still the most appropriate for my request so I’ll post this here. I’m basically looking for the same thing outlined in this thread.

One of the first questions people generally ask when someone hits lvl60 is “how long per day did you spend doing reviews?” Incidentally, this is also the question I get asked most by friends when I talk to them about WK in general. Since the egg timer is already keeping track of each discrete review session, it seems like a best fit for taking it a step further to store and analyze that session data.