Reading Vol. 16・ゆるキャン△・ Laid-Back Camp 🏕 (Beginner Book Club)

Hah, I was literally just coming here to post this.

Not even showing on my local Kinokuniya’s website yet, though. Wonder if they’d get it in faster if I e-mailed them about it…


Got a reply back. They said they’d been expecting to have them already, but they weren’t in the shipment. Next shipments are on November 21st and December 5th. Giving some thoughts to getting a *coughcough* digital version so we can get started, and then replace it with the hardcopy when I can. Though I guess we’re not really in any rush.


Yes, I am personally adding books to my wishlist faster than I can read them… I’m fine waiting.

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Picked up a copy of volume 15 today. Let the games begin!


I’m busy for the next couple of days, but I’ll put up the thread on Friday (and then we can immediately start Saturday?)


Works for me.


I didn’t get the book yet, but it should be here within the next week, so this sounds good to me👍


Well, okay, I don’t remember well how to do those things (it’s been nearly a year!) but hopefully I didn’t miss anything.
Here’s the thread:

(Also, I need someone to update the thread title, but that can wait)


Volume 16 coming out March 12th! Anime season 3 commencing in April!

I already checked out a few of the chapters when they were released on Comic Fuz, and it looks like they visit a whole bunch of places I went to on my trip last year. :slightly_smiling_face:


I… still haven’t finished volume 15 :melting_face:

Well, since I need to wait a bit longer until my local Kinokuniya gets it, you’ve still got time. :slightly_smiling_face:

Though speaking of volume 15, I put the obi back on mine last night in preparation for shelving, and I realised the anime’s April start was already announced there.

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Just got home from buying volume 16. I’m all ready to humblebrag about my own adventures. :slightly_smiling_face:


Alright, I’ll set up the thread tomorrow-ish, then!


Well… my computer broke, so… it’s going to take a hot minute before I make the thread. I am not typing the 目次/schedule on my phone.
If someone wants to do it instead, please go ahead, otherwise we’ll have to wait until?? Next Tuesday at least.


Just ocurred to me that yesterday was one year to the day since I did the activities that the characters do in this volume. :slightly_smiling_face:

Oof. That’s bad.

The table of contents or the whole thread?


I bought it 4 years ago too… My previous computer lasted 8 years; I really feel like things are getting weaker as time goes on.

I was thinking of the whole thread, but I can probably manage with just the table of contents.

Well, at that rate of progression, you’ll be replacing your computer monthly by the time you get your eighth computer, weekly by the tenth, and daily by the thirteenth.

Here you go. In code form, so you can just copy it straight.

|Start<br>Date | |  Chapter | Page<br>Numbers | Page<br>Count|
|--- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Mar 30 | 88 | さらば、しまりんだんご<br>リンの髪が伸びるその日まで  | 03-26  | 24 |
| Apr 06 | 89 | なでしこの群馬ソロキャン計画 | 29-52 | 24 |
| Apr 13 | 90 | ちょっとだけ軽井沢、気づいたら群馬 | 55-78 | 24 |
| Apr 20 | 91 | アプトの廃線さんぽ道 | 81-104 | 24 |
| Apr 27 | 92 | 横川鉄道博物館へようこそ | 107-130 | 24 |
| May 04 | SP | リンとなでしこの伊奈ヶ湖春キャンプ | 133-156 | 24 | 
| | | 放課後 へやキャン△ | 157-160 | 4

I do not like the sound of that first chapter’s name. :stuck_out_tongue:



Okay, I think I did it (except for the thread title that I can’t edit)

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