📚📚 Read Japanese Every Day Challenge - Spring 2024 🌸🍡🌱

- :books: Natively profile      
- :ledger: General Study Log
  - :headphones: Listening Challenge
  - :snowflake: Winter Challenge    



15 X





What I’m reading

:name_badge: Reading :inbox_tray: Type :calendar: Started :balance_scale: Progress :hourglass: Time
:open_book: 本好きの下剋上第一部2 :orange_book: Jr Novel 2024-04-23 :arrow_forward: Chapter 4
:computer: 0% → 27%
:page_facing_up: 50 Pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 1h45m
:supervillain: セーラー服と機関銃 :closed_book: Novel
:durtle: (IBC)
2024-02-18 :arrow_forward: IBC Week 15
:computer: 25.5% → 65%
:page_facing_up: 135 pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 6h07m
:gun: Persona 3 Reload :video_game: RPG 2024-02-03 :arrow_forward: 5/5 :hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h00m
:woman_elf: 葬送のフリーレン :green_book: Manga
:durtle: (BBC)
2024-04-19 :arrow_forward: BBC Week 6
:page_facing_up: 103 pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h57m
:robot: 十三機兵防衛圏 :video_game: Game 2024-05-07 :arrow_forward: 24% :hourglass_flowing_sand: 4h50m
:bullettrain_front: とある科学の超電磁砲 1 :green_book: Manga 2024-05-30 :arrow_forward: 1 Chapters
:page_facing_up: 40 Pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h25m

What I’ve Read

Completed - Spring 2024
:name_badge: Reading :inbox_tray: Type :calendar: Started :balance_scale: Progress :hourglass: Time
:crescent_moon: カードキャプターさくら2 :green_book: Manga 2024-05-31 :white_check_mark: 4 Chapters
:page_facing_up: 198 Pages
:hourglass: 0h44m
:crescent_moon: カードキャプターさくら1 :green_book: Manga 2024-05-27 :white_check_mark: 3 Chapters
:page_facing_up: 198 Pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 1h05m
:woman_mage: とんがり帽子のアトリエ :green_book: Manga
:durtle: (IMC)
2024-04-21 :white_check_mark: IMC Week 6
:page_facing_up: 206 Pages
:hourglass: 1h38m
:transgender_symbol: 放浪息子15 :green_book: Manga 2024-05-23 :white_check_mark: Chapter 116-123
:page_facing_up: 202 Pages
:hourglass: 0h45m
:transgender_symbol: 放浪息子14 :green_book: Manga 2024-05-23 :white_check_mark: Chapter 108-115
:page_facing_up: 194 Pages
:hourglass: 0h40m
:transgender_symbol: 放浪息子13 :green_book: Manga 2024-05-22 :white_check_mark: Chapter 100-107
:page_facing_up: 196 Pages
:hourglass: 0h52m
:transgender_symbol: 放浪息子12 :green_book: Manga 2024-05-21 :white_check_mark: Chapter 92-99
:page_facing_up: 196 Pages
:hourglass: 0h55m
:transgender_symbol: 放浪息子11 :green_book: Manga 2024-05-20 :white_check_mark: Chapter 83-91
:page_facing_up: 197 Pages
:hourglass: 0h50m
:transgender_symbol: 放浪息子10 :green_book: Manga 2024-05-16 :white_check_mark: Chapter 74-82
:page_facing_up: 216 Pages
:hourglass: 0h54m
:transgender_symbol: 放浪息子9 :green_book: Manga 2024-05-15 :white_check_mark: Chapter 66-73
:page_facing_up: 196 Pages
:hourglass: 0h42m
:transgender_symbol: 放浪息子8 :green_book: Manga 2024-05-06 :white_check_mark: Chapter 58-65
:page_facing_up: 188 Pages
:hourglass: 1h05m
:transgender_symbol: 放浪息子7 :green_book: Manga 2024-04-30 :white_check_mark: Chapter 50-57
:page_facing_up: 199 Pages
:hourglass: 0h55m
:transgender_symbol: 放浪息子6 :green_book: Manga 2024-04-28 :white_check_mark: Chapter 42-49
:page_facing_up: 196 pages
:hourglass: 1h10m
:books: ゆるキャンプ :green_book: Manga 2024-04-15 :white_check_mark: Chapter 1-6.5
:page_facing_up: 178 pages
:hourglass: 1h15m
:books: 本好きの下剋上第一部7 :green_book: Manga 2024-04-09 :white_check_mark: Chapter 30-33.7
+ Bonus SS
:page_facing_up: 220 pages
:hourglass: 2h30m
:family_woman_girl: 老女的少女ひなたちゃん11 :green_book: Manga 2024-04-07 :white_check_mark: Chapter 86-93.5
:page_facing_up: 162 pages
:hourglass: 1h00m
:family_woman_girl: 老女的少女ひなたちゃん10 :green_book: Manga 2024-04-06 :white_check_mark: Chapter 78-85.5
:page_facing_up: 153 pages
:hourglass: 1h10m
:books: 本好きの下剋上第一部6 :green_book: Manga 2024-04-01 :white_check_mark: Chapter 25-29.5
+ Bonus SS
:page_facing_up: 191 pages
:hourglass: 2h05m
Daily Log
:calendar: Date :name_badge: Name :inbox_tray: Type :balance_scale: Amount :hourglass: Time
Week 22
2024-05-31 :crescent_moon: カードキャプターさくら2 :green_book: Manga :white_check_mark: 4 Chapters
:page_facing_up: 198 Pages
:hourglass: 0h44m
2024-05-30 :bullettrain_front: とある科学の超電磁砲 1 :green_book: Manga :arrow_forward: 1 Chapters
:page_facing_up: 40 Pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h25m
2024-05-29 :open_book: 本好きの下剋上第一部2 :orange_book: Jr Novel :arrow_forward: 19% → 27%
:page_facing_up: 11 Pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h40m
2024-05-28 :crescent_moon: カードキャプターさくら1 :green_book: Manga :white_check_mark: 1 Chapters
:page_facing_up: 104 Pages
:hourglass: 0h30m
2024-05-27 :crescent_moon: カードキャプターさくら1 :green_book: Manga :arrow_forward: 2 Chapters
:page_facing_up: 94 Pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h35m
Week 21
2024-05-26 :woman_mage: とんがり帽子のアトリエ :green_book: Manga
:durtle: (IMC)
:white_check_mark: 1 Chapters
:page_facing_up: 34 Pages
:hourglass: 0h21m
2024-05-25 :supervillain: セーラー服と機関銃 :closed_book: Novel
:durtle: (IBC)
:arrow_forward: 3 %
:computer: 62% → 65%
:page_facing_up: 17 pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h30m
2024-05-24 :woman_elf: 葬送のフリーレン1 :green_book: Manga
:durtle: (BBC)
:arrow_forward: 1 Chapters
:page_facing_up: 36 Pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h12m
2024-05-23 :transgender_symbol: 放浪息子15 :green_book: Manga :white_check_mark: Chapter 116-123
:page_facing_up: 202 Pages
:hourglass: 0h45m
:transgender_symbol: 放浪息子14 :green_book: Manga :white_check_mark: Chapter 108-115
:page_facing_up: 194 Pages
:hourglass: 0h40m
2024-05-22 :transgender_symbol: 放浪息子13 :green_book: Manga :white_check_mark: 8 Chapters
:page_facing_up: 196 Pages
:hourglass: 0h52m
2024-05-21 :transgender_symbol: 放浪息子12 :green_book: Manga :white_check_mark: 8 Chapters
:page_facing_up: 196 Pages
:hourglass: 0h55m
2024-05-20 :transgender_symbol: 放浪息子11 :green_book: Manga :white_check_mark: 9 Chapters
:page_facing_up: 197 Pages
:hourglass: 0h50m
Week 20
2024-05-19 :supervillain: セーラー服と機関銃 :closed_book: Novel
:durtle: (IBC)
:arrow_forward: 3 %
:computer: 60% → 63%
:page_facing_up: 10 Pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h30m
2024-05-18 :supervillain: セーラー服と機関銃 :closed_book: Novel
:durtle: (IBC)
:arrow_forward: 2 %
:computer: 58% → 60%
:page_facing_up: 5 Pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h12m
2024-05-17 :woman_mage: とんがり帽子のアトリエ :green_book: Manga
:durtle: (IMC)
:arrow_forward: IMC Week 5
:page_facing_up: 35 Pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h12m
2024-05-16 :transgender_symbol: 放浪息子10 :green_book: Manga :white_check_mark: Chapter 74-82
:page_facing_up: 216 Pages
:hourglass: 0h54m
2024-05-15 :transgender_symbol: 放浪息子9 :green_book: Manga :white_check_mark: Chapter 66-73
:page_facing_up: 196 Pages
:hourglass: 0h42m
:robot: 十三機兵防衛圏 :video_game: Game :arrow_forward: 4%
:computer: 20% → 24%
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h35m
2024-05-14 :robot: 十三機兵防衛圏 :video_game: Game :arrow_forward: 4%
:computer: 16% → 20%
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h50m
2024-05-13 :robot: 十三機兵防衛圏 :video_game: Game :arrow_forward: 7%
:computer: 9% → 16%
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 1h00m
Week 19
2024-05-12 :supervillain: セーラー服と機関銃 :closed_book: Novel
:durtle: (IBC)
:arrow_forward: 5 %
:page_facing_up: 16 Pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h45m
2024-05-11 :woman_elf: 葬送のフリーレン1(マンガ) :green_book: Manga
:durtle: (BBC)
:arrow_forward: 1 Chapters
:page_facing_up: 47 Pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h20m
:woman_mage: とんがり帽子のアトリエ :green_book: Manga
:durtle: (IMC)
:arrow_forward: 1 Chapters
:page_facing_up: 32 Pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h20m
2024-05-10 :robot: 十三機兵防衛圏 :video_game: Game :arrow_forward: 2%
:computer: 7% → 9%
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h25m
2024-05-09 :transgender_symbol: 放浪息子8 :green_book: Manga :white_check_mark: 5 Chapters
:page_facing_up: 118 Pages
:hourglass: 0h25m
2024-05-08 :robot: 十三機兵防衛圏 :video_game: Game :arrow_forward: 5 %
:computer: 2% → 7%
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 1h00m
2024-05-07 :robot: 十三機兵防衛圏 :video_game: Game :arrow_forward: 2%
:computer: 0% → 2%
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 1h00m
2024-05-06 :transgender_symbol: 放浪息子8 :green_book: Manga :arrow_forward: Chapter 58-60
:page_facing_up: 70 Pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h40m
Week 18
2024-05-05 :supervillain: セーラー服と機関銃 :closed_book: Novel
:durtle: (IBC)
:arrow_forward: IBC Week 12
:computer: 50 → 53 %
:page_facing_up: 15 Pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h40m
2024-05-04 :open_book: 本好きの下剋上第一部2(JN) :orange_book: Jr Novel :arrow_forward: Chapter 3
:computer: 12 → 19 %
:page_facing_up: 12 Pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h30m
2024-05-03 :woman_mage: とんがり帽子のアトリエ :green_book: Manga
:durtle: (IMC)
:arrow_forward: 1 Chapters
:page_facing_up: 43 Pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h15m
2024-05-02 :transgender_symbol: 放浪息子7 :green_book: Manga :white_check_mark: 3 Chapters
:page_facing_up: 72 Pages
:hourglass: 0h20m
2024-05-01 :transgender_symbol: 放浪息子7 :green_book: Manga :arrow_forward: 2 Chapters
:page_facing_up: 72 Pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h20m
2024-04-30 :transgender_symbol: 放浪息子7 :green_book: Manga :arrow_forward: 2 Chapters
:page_facing_up: 45 Pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h15m
2024-04-29 :woman_mage: とんがり帽子のアトリエ :green_book: Manga
:durtle: (IMC)
:arrow_forward: 0.5 Chapters
:page_facing_up: 30 Pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h10m
:woman_elf: 葬送のフリーレン1 :green_book: Manga
:durtle: (BBC)
:arrow_forward: 0.5 Chapters
:page_facing_up: 14 Pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h10m
Week 17
2024-04-28 :transgender_symbol: 放浪息子6 :green_book: Manga :white_check_mark: Chapter 42-49
:page_facing_up: 196 pages
:hourglass: 1h10m
2024-04-27 :supervillain: セーラー服と機関銃 :closed_book: Novel :arrow_forward: Chapter 3-1
:computer: 48 → 50%
:page_facing_up: ~6 pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h15m
2024-04-26 :supervillain: セーラー服と機関銃] :closed_book: Novel :arrow_forward: Chapter 3-1*
:computer: 45 → 48%
:page_facing_up: ~14 pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h45m
2024-04-25 :open_book: 本好きの下剋上第一部2 :orange_book: Jr Novel :arrow_forward: Chapter 1
:computer: 4.5% → 12.5%
:page_facing_up: ~15 Pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h30m
2024-04-24 :open_book: 本好きの下剋上第一部2 :orange_book: Jr Novel :arrow_forward: Chapter 1*
:computer: 0% → 4.5%
:page_facing_up: ~9 Pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h15m
2024-04-23 :supervillain: セーラー服と機関銃 :closed_book: Novel
:durtle: (IBC)
:arrow_forward: IBC Week 10
:computer: 41 → 45%
:page_facing_up: ~10 Pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h35m
2024-04-22 :supervillain: セーラー服と機関銃 :closed_book: Novel
:durtle: (IBC)
:arrow_forward: IBC Week 10
:computer: 38% → 41%
:page_facing_up: ~10 Pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h30m
Week 16
2024-04-21 :woman_mage: とんがり帽子のアトリエ :green_book: Manga
:durtle: (IMC)
:arrow_forward: IMC Week 1
:page_facing_up: 35 Pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h20m
2024-04-20 :supervillain: セーラー服と機関銃 :closed_book: Novel
:durtle: (IBC)
:arrow_forward: IBC Week 9
:computer: 35-39%
:page_facing_up: 17 pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h40m
2024-04-19 :tent: ゆるキャンプ1 :green_book: Manga :white_check_mark: Chapter 6-6.5
:page_facing_up: 32 pages
:hourglass: 0h20m
:woman_elf: 葬送のフリーレン :green_book: Manga :arrow_forward: BBC Week 1
:page_facing_up: 15 pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h10m
2024-04-18 :tent: ゆるキャンプ1 :green_book: Manga :arrow_forward: Chapter 4-5
:page_facing_up: 53 pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h25m
2024-04-17 :tent: ゆるキャンプ1 :green_book: Manga :arrow_forward: Chapter 3
:page_facing_up: 23 pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h10m
2024-04-16 :tent: ゆるキャンプ1 :green_book: Manga :arrow_forward: Chapter 2
:page_facing_up: 26 pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h10m
2024-04-15 :tent: ゆるキャンプ1 :green_book: Manga :arrow_forward: Chapter 1
:page_facing_up: 38 pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h10m
Week 15
2024-04-14 Combo breaker :frowning: :x: :x: :x:
2024-04-13 :family_woman_girl: 老女的少女ひなたちゃん1 :green_book: Manga 10 pages :hourglass: 2m
2024-04-12 :books: 本好きの下剋上第一部7 :green_book: Manga :white_check_mark: Bonus SS
:page_facing_up: 11 pages
:hourglass: 0h45m
2024-04-11 :books: 本好きの下剋上第一部7 :green_book: Manga :arrow_forward: Chapter 33-33.75
:page_facing_up: 71 pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h40m
2024-04-10 :books: 本好きの下剋上第一部7 :green_book: Manga :arrow_forward: Chapter 32
:page_facing_up: 55 pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h30m
2024-04-09 :books: 本好きの下剋上第一部7 :green_book: Manga :arrow_forward: Chapter 30-31
:page_facing_up: 80 pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h35m
2024-04-08 :supervillain: セーラー服と機関銃 :closed_book: Novel :arrow_forward: Chapter 2-1
:computer: 30 → 35%
:page_facing_up: 15 pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h45m
Week 14
2024-04-07 :family_woman_girl: 老女的少女ひなたちゃん11 :green_book: Manga :white_check_mark: Chapter 86-93.5
:page_facing_up: 162 pages
:hourglass: 1h00m
2024-04-06 :family_woman_girl: 老女的少女ひなたちゃん10 :green_book: Manga :white_check_mark: Chapter 78-85.5
:page_facing_up: 153 pages
:hourglass: 1h10m
2024-04-05 :books: 本好きの下剋上第一部6 :green_book: Manga :white_check_mark: Bonus SS
:page_facing_up: 8 pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h25m
2024-04-04 :supervillain: セーラー服と機関銃 :closed_book: Novel :arrow_forward: Chapter 2-1
:page_facing_up: 17 pages
:hourglass: 0h40m
2024-04-03 :books: 本好きの下剋上第一部6 :green_book: Manga :arrow_forward: Chapter 28-29.5
:page_facing_up: 69 pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h40m
2024-04-02 :books: 本好きの下剋上第一部6 :green_book: Manga :arrow_forward: Chapter 26-27
:page_facing_up: 61 pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h35m
2024-04-01 :books: 本好きの下剋上第一部6 :green_book: Manga :arrow_forward: Chapter 25
:page_facing_up: 52 pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h25m
Carried Over From Winter
:name_badge: Reading :inbox_tray: Type :calendar: Started :balance_scale: Progress :hourglass: Time
:supervillain: セーラー服と機関銃 :closed_book: Novel
:durtle: (IBC)
2024-02-18 :arrow_forward: IBC Week 6
:computer: 0 → 25.5%
:page_facing_up: 96 pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 4h55m
:gun: Persona 3 Reload :video_game: RPG 2024-02-03 :arrow_forward: 5/5 :hourglass_flowing_sand: 15h25m
:boar: デジモンサヴァイブ :video_game: VN 2023-12-20 :arrow_forward: 5 Scenes :hourglass_flowing_sand: 3h00m

I’ll be joining again this quarter. I think my participation in the Winter challenge is a good contender for the most impactful thing to my Japanese learning since I started (the only competitor being when I initially joined in the ABBC), so I’m happy to keep this up.

My goals are basically:

  • Read every day for April/May (I did the bonus month for winter, but not committing to doing the same again in spring ahead of time - we’ll see how I feel in May)
  • Keep up >= 1 manga volume/week. At the moment, that probably means finishing out 放浪息子、老女的少女ひなたちゃん and the part 1 manga of 本好きの下剋上。
  • Finish the セーラー服と機関銃 book club with the IBC
  • Read at least one other novel (of any kind). Most likely that will be the 本好きの下剋上第一部2 junior novel, but again, we’ll see what I feel like picking up.