📚📚 Read Every Day Challenge - Winter 2024 🎍☃🌲

That’s a satisfying goal!

Oh no! :upside_down_face: Can I ask what the two series are?

I got some supposedly second-hand books a little while back which also had illustrated feedback postcards inside! They were pretty cute. (It was A Bride’s Story, from the same publisher, so I guess it’s maybe something that varies by publisher)



I read four Level 1 stories


Yes, the typical Japanese reader seems to often be very careful about retaining that kind of card, the obi, etc, so they can turn up even in second hand copies.


13th jan

home post

granblue chapter of the bnha collab (the length of each chapter part is wildly inconsistent and it keeps tripping me up) plus some bits and pieces elsewhere


One is ストロボ・エッジ, an earlier work by the mangaka of アオハライド (which I had read in a WK book club).

The other is 藤原くんはだいたい正しい.

I don’t recommend reading them…at the same time.

But otherwise, I’m enjoying both!

Sadly, volume one of this series didn’t mesh well with me, so it’s not on my 2024 reading list.


:dragon: :red_gift_envelope: 1日12ー13月 :red_gift_envelope: :dragon: (Home Post Link)

Combining these two days as my sleep cycle has continued to wobble around and I’m now technically doing most of my studying in the “morning” of then next day :melting_face:


  • とらドラ!pg 211 → 219, end of ch 5 -they left this section out of the anime, but god the series really could’ve just ended right here if they weren’t so stubborn :sob: They could’ve saved themselves so much suffering. Everyone knows they actually like each other except them, and they were like 2 seconds away from figuring it out here
Fun Words


Our sacrifice was a 電柱, and our battle is actually a 告白, but this series has some really fun language sometimes that you really wouldn’t expect from a romance story :laughing:

Might read more later, but have to get ready to stream 七人の侍 for a group later, and then probably sneak a nap in


Jan 13, Sat of Week 2 of Q1 2024

  • DEATH NOTE Vol.11 Ch.95

  • 狼と香辛料 Vol.1 (85-100%)

My impression with this is not vocabularies being the most troublesome, but rather sentence, line, paragraph and chapter length; then reading speed. Fast for me to comprehend, and a little of Holo speech pattern.

Maybe that I stopped once before resuming, helps with vocabularies.

Reading on tablet rather than mobile phone helps with speed. In contrast, I can usually read manga on mobile, or even textbooks, if not that much speed is needed.

  • STEINS;GATE (VN) Ch.6 end
Learned how to play

Just do nothing, and a premature END will be reached (which is after living hell ). Do something to go to Ch.7.

Anyway, Extras are now unlocked.

Words of the day
  • 僅差きんさで = by a narrow margin
  • 相反あいはんする = to be conflicting. There is also 相反そうはん, but seems to be much less common (e.g. 相反関係そうはんかんけい,   利益相反りえきそうはん). Dunno if I should report to JPDB (used in / examples) or somewhere.
  • 請求書せいきゅうしょ = invoice; bill
  • 損得勘定そんとくかんじょう = balancing of profits and losses (i.e. of a merchant)
  • 聖人君子せいじんくんし = a perfect person. Saint + gentleman, imbued with wisdom and virtue.
  • 萌芽ほうが = spout; early signs. On’yomi of もえ and きば. (I knew of the latter, usually ガ, but not the former.)
  • まよ = wavering of resolution. Also 気迷きまよい.
  • 最後通牒さいごつうちょう = ultimatum; final notification
  • ビッグサイト. = Tokyo Big Sight - Wikipedia :classical_building:


Jan 13

夜のピクニック 60% - 62%

Took so much effort to read today, and I barely made any progress even after so much time procrastinating…

My attention span is simply broken tonight for some reason. Hopefully tomorrow is better :sweat:


January 12th!
A chapter of Teasing Master Takagi-san today :slight_smile:

January 13th!
They were all short, so today I read 2 Chapters of 可愛いだけじゃない式守さん, and 2 chapters of スーパーの裏でヤニ吸うふた.

(Home Post)


That’s sad but I understand. I feel like komi-san takes quite a few volumes to really get going, very standard early installment weirdness going on (especially with the side characters).


Jan 13

Read Alice 19th first thing in the morning. I need help identifying some kanji in some handwritten text. I feel like I should be able to figure out what it is, but I’m stumped. I’m hoping one of you recognize it:

It is the first one/the top part of the first one that I can’t figure out, and because I can’t get that, the rest is not helping make a word.


That was a tricky one…

岡目八目; 傍目八目 【おかめはちもく】 (n) (1) (yoji) bystander’s vantage point; outsider’s better grasp of the situation; (n) (2) (yoji) onlookers see more of the game than the players do; people watching a game of go see eight moves further ahead

(specifically, the one starting 岡)


Characters I liked well enough:

image image

Characters I didn’t like:

image image

Based on what you’ve seen, do the latter two remain prominent in the series? Or do their personality quirks tone down later on?

I’m willing to give a series another chance if it takes some time to smooth out rough edges.

But sometimes a series just isn’t for me.


:house: home post :house:
:calendar: 2024年1月13日 :calendar:

:question: Title Read today Currently at Notes
:orange_book: 奥日光 2 episodes 33/62
:art: この美術部には問題がある! Chapter 4

ただいまー :smiley:
Back home for good. Will have to catch up on Quartet and different book clubs, + Flowers été that has just started, then can slowly get back to a normal routine.
Crossing fingers that January will be an extremely boring month with nothing happening and that I will thus be doing a lot of reading :smiley:


Najimi (the blond hyperactive enby) is relatively main, though usually more as a conduit than anyone with focus. Agari disappears into the guest spot mines after another vol or so.

You could have a scrub through the anime on Netflix or something but yeah, if it’s not for you it’s not for you.

Generally I find having to go through something in jpn makes me less tolerant of a work’s faults, since the effort I need to put in is so much higher than a casual glance through in eng


Wow, thanks! :star_struck: I wasn’t even close to guessing. I sometimes thought the top part could be 冊 (or maybe something like it) or maybe something like 習 but with 目 and I certainly didn’t realize that the two curved lines was 八 rather than part of either 目. O_O

Thanks a ton! :bowing_woman:


1月13日 | Home post

  • ふらいんぐうぃっち (2) Chapters 11-12

Finished one more manga volume today :grin:
And I did end up putting both Wanikani and Bunpro in vacation mode, since those reviews were killing my motivation to study. I’m still figuring out what I’m going to do regarding SRS.


:bookmark: Home post // Jan 13 :bamboo: :snowman_with_snow: :evergreen_tree:

・ 夏のレプリカ Replaceable Summer (87% → 98%)

I’m so close to done, but I really need to sleep :sleeping: :zzz:


Jan 14 | Home

  • 1 chapter of Dungeon Meshi. Holy shit, this is hard. Lots and lots of new vocab + no furigana + tiny text and it’s a setup chapter, oof. Harder than both Tearmoon and Apothecary Diaries in my opinion. Manageable, but it’s going to take at least a week I think… I have another physical volume than will probably switch to digital just to be able to zoom in! (I might collect this in Eng anyway)