📚📚 Read Every Day Challenge - Winter 2024 🎍☃🌲

Reply to Nicole

Good guess, but not actually right. :joy: It had Danish, Netherlandish (I have no idea what their language is called in English, so I feel like I made that up), and another language I have no idea (I see the language name in Swedish and I don’t recognize it) that is possibly a version of Netherlandish (because it starts with Nether… I have no idea).

Someone else will have to identify it by actually checking it out. :joy:

Doesn’t seem like it thankfully. I guess the ice had somewhere to go other than breaking the pipe until I could start defrosting.

Haha, not quite. :joy: He probably is more fluffy, but he’s so fluffy all year I can’t say I can see a difference. :heart_eyes: Mainly he has a bit of cabin fever because -30 and lower is too low for him. He’s also just waiting for it to dip rise back down up to -20 something. That is like normal middle of the night temp with sometimes having it daytime too.


1 Jan - 3 Jan

:books: My home thread

So far so good. I hope that the trend will continue and I’ll be reading every day. But I plant to post updates in batches :sweat_smile:

Title Pages read Progress Status
鋼の錬金術師 vol.8 138-164 164/164 finished
進撃の巨人 vol.3 112-200 200/200 finished
鋼の錬金術師 vol.9 0-50 50/176 started
ふらいんぐうぃっち vol. 4 0-60 60/160 started
ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石 0-7 7/256 started

I’ve bought kindle version of ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石 long ago for the first book club on WK, but it turned out too hart to read for me at the moment. Now I’m able to really enjoy it! I’m so glad to see the progress. Although it takes time, and I only have been reading it for an hour, but I already like the translation. I can feel Rowling’s style, but it is still proper Japanese. I know that I’m just a learner and cannot really feel it like a native, but well… I’m happy to feel that way :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Reply to MissDagger

Confusingly it’s called Dutch, although in the language itself it’s called Nederlands. So I guess that’s another proof that English doesn’t make sense :woman_shrugging:

That seems to be a dialect (I guess it’s called Lower Saxonian in English) which can be found in Northern Germany and Northern Netherlands, and the wikipedia page seems to feature the dutch variant of that dialect (from looking at the URL which contains “nds-nl”, and also because it’s much less understandable to me than the transcriptions of Lower Saxonian that I’ve seen before :laughing:).

Ah I see. The news article I read recently mentioned the dangers for humans, but of course that will apply to animals too (to a certain extent).

I hope the temperatures will get a bit more manageable soon! :crossed_fingers:

Reply to Nicole

Dutch, of course! I do know that, my brain was not accessing that area at all. I’ll forgive myself, it has been a stressful couple of days, so my brain won’t be back to full capacity for a few more.

Oh cool, to me it just said Nedersaksies, which I had never heard before. (Dutch in Swedish is Nederlands, so that is why I went with Netherlandish, also my highlight built in dictionary said that meant something that was from the Netherlands, so I called it good enough. :joy:) So I couldn’t even begin to guess what Nedersaksies was.

It all depends on how good the animal is at keeping warm. Also if they have warm places to be in while not at home. If I had a cat door, I might have that unlocked, so he could go out for 30 seconds and come back in whenever he wanted, although he’d probably let in too much cold. So maybe not.

He tried outside for 3 minutes the first day with -35, and then 5 minutes a little later that day. And it was only the full five minute timer I started (to make sure he wasn’t out too long) because I got engrossed in something. Otherwise I would have checked after half that time. He did not seem amused, so I haven’t opened the door for him anymore (and I’ve been too busy keeping us in heating anyway…)

Even with my heating fully functioning, it is only able to keep my temperature at 19 indoors (I think I could boost it up a bit more, but I’m not about to strain it, 19C is fine if a bit chillier than I prefer, 21C). Once my fireplace/kakelugn gets warm again from burning wood in it for another hour or so, indoors should climb towards 20, especially in the room with the fireplace.

butting in to MissDagger's and Nicole's conversation

Agh!!! For me, whenver I hear Dutch in English, or Holland in German, I have to think really hard to finally associate these with the Netherlands :scream: :sob:

Ooooo more derailings xD

Same here :rofl: Takes me a second or so to find the word in English.

Admittedly that’s a misnomer; Holland is just a part of the Netherlands, but we Germans are too stupid (or dickheaded?) to accept that. It’s the same as calling Germany “Bavaria” but nobody cares :woman_shrugging:

Hard relate :cold_face:


:dragon: :red_gift_envelope: 1日3月 :red_gift_envelope: :dragon: (Home Post Link)

Was like… really tired today for some reason. Hope I’m not getting sick again :mask:


  • CHNM - 6 → 17 (end of introduction) - information overload, but a lot of reference tables for dynasties and important historical chronologies, as well as some really nice notes about terms and measuring time. I’ve been exposed to the Sexagenary cycle (干支) before, but always kinda in passing, and this was a better explanation of it and how integral both it and the elemental cycle are to… a lot
  • 日本文化を英語で説明する辞典 - 4 → 6 - today’s were 甘え and あや取り, and I must admit I did not understand much of the 甘え entry without the english. Might have to read this one again :sweat_smile:
  • ヤニ吸う - more of the reread, just read until my eyes started drooping

:cold_face: sending you and kiro some warm thoughts :fire: :fire:


4th jan birthday! :tada:

home post

another ouran chapter, some harder grammar in this one (i remember an を(はじ)め in there) but doable. also another chapter of ドラゴン which was full of house words. should have expected that really but they’re getting more and more obscure.

today’s nhk article was this one (nice short one), plus another granblue chapter (and the new year’s stuff, and birthday messages that are there for some reason), and the entries on に and に()たって in aDoIJG

words that stood out (aka it's all german):

ワンゲル - mountain trekking, hiking (short form of ワンダーフォーゲル)
エネルギッシュ - energetic
(いと)う - to balk at, to be weary of, to shun, to hate

初心(うぶ) - innocent, wet behind the ears. form of (うぶ)


Jan 4, Thu of Week 1 of Q1 2024


  • いちばんやさしい世界史の本 (29-30%)

  • DIJG : に関して, に関する

Words of the day
  • ~に余念よねんがない = being concentrated on something
  • いがわるい = unsociable
  • くぎす = to remind someone (to prevent trouble in the future)

Book highlights

ムアーウィヤ => See มุอาวิยะฮ์ที่ 1 - วิกิพีเดีย
カリフ = เคาะลีฟะฮ์ - วิกิพีเดีย
アッバース朝 = รัฐเคาะลีฟะฮ์อับบาซียะฮ์ - วิกิพีเดีย
ウマイヤ朝 = รัฐเคาะลีฟะฮ์อุมัยยะฮ์ - วิกิพีเดีย
ファーティマ朝 = รัฐเคาะลีฟะฮ์ฟาฏิมียะฮ์ - วิกิพีเดีย
サーマーン朝 = Samanid Empire - Wikipedia
ブワイフ朝 = Buyid dynasty - Wikipedia
ハールーン・アッラシード = Harun al-Rashid - Wikipedia

ヒジュラ = ฮิจเราะห์ - วิกิพีเดีย
ハラージュ = Haraç - Wikipedia
ジズヤ = ญิซยะฮ์ - วิกิพีเดีย


:raccoon: :snowflake: :books: January 4 :books: :snowflake: :raccoon:

Today I read about these fluffy guys:

ムササビ! (鼯鼠 / 鼺鼠)
Flying squirrels!

Should hopefully get a more regular reading schedule again when I get less busy.

Words the Flying Squirrel Found

飛膜「ひまく」ー Patagium (flying/gliding membrane)
滑空「かっくう」ー Gliding (in the air)
軟骨「なんこつ」ー Cartilage
ふさふさ「房房 (房々) / 総総 (総々) / 多多 (多々)」ー Bushy; in tufts; thick
行動圏「こうどうけん」ー Home range/territory

@nyxqueenofshadows happy birthday!! :tada: :birthday:

Myth Reply

I guess since they are both ‘northern’ and ‘folkish’ that qualifies as a good enough link. :laughing: When they are both different in their own ways. But if you ever get interested to explore Celtic myth more, Irish mythology is a massive goldmine of interesting stories, tales and ideas.

So cool! I love when they include old paintings and such for references, I have a growing collection of yokai books with ukiyo-e depictions. I love that sort of thing, so this book sounds real interesting and the kind of thing I’d enjoy :grinning:

Will have to see if I can get myself a copy.

Keep yourself warm! :hotsprings:
I wonder if in your book there’s any mentions about devious little creatures that cause great cold and if there is, if this super cold is their doing :thinking:


Jan 4

夜のピクニック 23% - 25%

I confess despite having hours to do whatever I want, I’ve been lazy and only read a few pages.

I’ll be hopping on an 8 hour flight the day after tomorrow, so I can definitely read more then!

Myth reply

I do love what I have seen of Celtic myth. Honestly most mythologies I’ve learnt about have been fascinating (including Japanese for me too). I’ll probably get around to it some day. :slight_smile:

I do love me some ukiyo-e, although I’m more of the nature side for ukiyo-e (also love sumi-e). I’m not sure I’ve seen any yokai depictions in ukiyo-e. When next I see my enormous ukiyo-e book, I’ll have to check!

Not sure how good your Swedish is, but it does include some old Swedish. It actually quotes old sources with first/second accounts as well as smaller more place-specific myths (or one place’s version of the myth). It isn’t that hard for me to understand, I just kinda gloss over the weirdness and pick out what I need to understand, but I know as a second/third/etc. language, that is much harder to do. I think it usually summarizes what are in those short quotes, although I can’t swear it happens every time since I don’t need to depend on them.

I’m not sure I’ve seen that yet. If it was fairly localized to a smaller area, then yes, I think I’ve read of a couple that could do that. But this large an area? Not yet at least, but I’m not ruling it out. xD


Home Post

A 01月03日 Read: Progress:
:soccer: ブルーロック Episode 凪 Vol 1 3 pages 042/199
:tiger: 文豪ストレイドッグス Vol 1 17 pages 017/190
:wolf: 小さな森の狼ちゃん Vol 1 8 pages 008/175

3 more pages of Blue Lock

Added in Bungo Vol 1 since I’m constantly flicking back and forth through it as I sentence mine from the first episode. The manga and anime script is nearly like for like, so it feels like 2 for 1 reading and listening practice!

And also Okami-chan as I wanted something a bit simpler for when my brain is fried. (Though looking through the discussions for the bookclub is super insightful and I’ve picked up some new grammar points already from week 1!)

Not a lot of exciting words today but I did like
雑魚 ざこ small fry


:cherry_blossom: :teapot: macalys’ Home Post (and Thread) :teapot: :cherry_blossom:


:notes: Kiki-Mimi Radio, episode 12 on Satori Reader.

Not in the mood for a lot of reading today, as my plate was already full with a lot of other things, so I kept it at the bare minimum :sweat_smile:



:previous_track_button: Previous | :house: Home post | Next :next_track_button:

Date Name Type Amount Time
2024-01-04 :family_woman_girl: 老女的少女ひなたちゃん :green_book: Manga 3 chapters (63 pages) 45 minutes

And I finished off the last 3 chapters of 老女的少女ひなたちゃん, which means the first of my 30 manga volume goal for the year is done.


:house: home post :house:
:calendar: 2024年1月4日 :calendar:

:question: Title Read today Currently at Notes
:orange_book: 奥日光 2 episodes 23/62

Same here :person_shrugging:


Day 4

Home post

Read chapters 38-42 of 猫のようなナニカ, and よつばと volume 4 chapter 24. I also discovered Bookwalker, pls pray for me…


:bookmark: Home post // Jan 4 :bamboo: :snowman_with_snow: :evergreen_tree:

・ 夏のレプリカ Replaceable Summer (27% → 37%)

Read quite a bit while traveling. Finished week 2 and have just 20-ish phone pages left of week 3. Things are going to get busy around here, but I hope I can keep a nice pace still.


Day 3
It took a long time but I finally finished Master Detective Archive Rain Code my first videogame in japanese this year. This game would have been much better if it was a little bit shorter. Maybe when reading I should have looked up all unknown words but I could read it without looking up unknown vocabulary. I could guess most unknown words from context. Not the easiest game the difficulty was around N2 and a lot different grammar points were used. But I could manage fine.

About the game

it’s kind of shocking that the game had a good ending. All the detective buddies are alive the mastermind of it all faked their deaths. The real detectives were hidden in a safe place. I really love the conclusion the actual residents of the town were all killed but replaced by zombies which were clones of the real residents. Of course they don’t know that they are actually zombies. Rain clouds are artifically created because the zombies have a weakpoint sunlight. Sunlight makes them aggressive and they go crazy to prevent that it’s always raining. The town was isolated making it possible for the zombies to live in peace.
In the end the zombies are told that they are zombies and live happily on, they are even allowed to leave the town but need a permission to leave. What a beautiful ending.
I really love the character Shinigami chan she was such a great character.

Also I wanted to mention that the whole game is on the card I could finish the game without updating. There were some bugs here and there but nothing serious.


Jan 5

Another chapter of 夜カフェー, really hit my stride today (not that much else to do on the train though). Oddly enough my bisque doll experience intersected nicely with the sewing bits. Yomitan really makes the bits where they just use hirigana for all the words so much easier to parse since it helps seperate out words from an endless sea of hirigana… So many more words to add lol