📚📚 Read Every Day Challenge - Winter 2024 🎍☃🌲

1月 第1週
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Instead of an everyday update, I’ll just be doing a weekly one instead! :slight_smile:

Progress: Episode 11 to episode 16 of 聞き耳のラジオ and finished the first from the Spanish short stories for beginners Volume 2 titled “El Castillo”.

The last week I read 聞き耳のラジオ on Satorireader every day and two days of Spanish beginner stories. The Japanese reading is slightly more challenging than the Spanish reading. But I’m super thankful for Satorireader for making it so easy to just hover over words I don’t know. Spanish is fairly easy except for a few words I’m not familiar with. The only thing is since I’m reading a PDF version I can’t use the automatic look up using my e-reader.