📚📚 Read Every Day Challenge - Winter 2024 🎍☃🌲

Home post

LAST DAY OF THE (official) CHALLENGE! The last three days were very light reading with Dr. Dru’s stories because things are starting to become hectic! Today was episode 2_04. I’m so glad I was able complete a 2 month streak of reading everyday in another language. Mostly Japanese with just one or two days of reading only in Spanish. I’ll be editing my home post for a summary to reflect this.

I probably won’t continue this for March because well… Real life is getting in the way. I still plan to read in another language everyday, but I likely won’t have time to share updates here. I’ll just be ticking away on my study log instead. Maybe sharing interesting things I encounter every now and then there!

Also just to say that I really enjoyed seeing everyone’s progress and I’ve been really motivated by everyone who’s been posting here everyday! :slight_smile: Best of luck to everyone who’s planning to continue this through March!