📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

:tiger2: :books: Tanuki Den (aka Homepost): Date 20220530 :cherry_blossom: :raccoon:

Tanuki Scroll LX: 六助いなり :fox_face:

Read today’s folktale, from Kyoto prefecture!

About a man who gets tricked by a fox.

Since there’s just one day left I’ve been thinking how to continue once this challenge has finished. I thought for June-reading I’d attempt to read “No Longer Human” by Osamu Dazai. Not sure if I’ll continue any updates on here, but I’ll probably still be reading it come the summer challenge anyway.

Perhaps I could leave it for when the next challenge starts but now that I’ve had the thought that I want to read it I’m excited and want to start right away :laughing:

:seedling: Japanese found in the tall grass :seedling:


「かや」ー Grass used for thatching
祟り「たたり」ー curse; wrath; divine punishment
(think I have seen this one before)