Re Zero book club home thread

There’s a big spoiler for the 2nd OVA yes. But if you don’t plan on watching them (they’re really nice, the 1st one is hilarious, the 2nd is very important to Emilia’s character), it’ll probably be fine.


I do plan to, eventually. Is it based on one of the ex stories or made completely new for the ova?


Current OVAs are based on a collection of side stories (not in the EX) and a bit of original content. They haven’t used up the EX novels yet. There could be plans to adapt volumes 2 and 3 as an OVA, as that would be a good prequel to an S3.


So… I have a bad news. I won’t be continuing this book club. The reason are the same as before book 12. I tried continuing it longer but no one commented on the entire book and no one is even at the same book. There is no point continue this book club on a weekly basic anymore. If someone wants to take over be my guest but I won’t.
I’m not sure if I want to do a thread per volume or not. I thought I could do one every six week but will someone ever comment on it? I could also just do them all at once and let people write as they want in them. I’m still not sure and recently I don’t have much time to manage book club anyway. It’s obvious by the fact that I am often late to post these. Since I still don’t know what I want to do for the other book I will leave it open for someone to take my place and if no one wants I will probably just do a thread per book.

So I want to give a huge thank you to everyone who contribuated to this book club and everyone who participated into it.It was really fun and I never thought it could last this long. I learn a lot and I hope you all had too. I will be continuing reading Re Zero and I hope you will too.

For the reading aloud I don’t mind continuating it since it was pretty much disconnected from the book club schedule anyway.

Thank you for the this wonderful journey and I hope to see you in other book club(even though I’m not too much into other club right now.) Never forget to continue learning Japanese while having fun. After all this was the goal of this book club.


Lies! I commented. (But no one replied :sob: )


Understandable :pensive:
It’s become really hard to comment as people are on widely different volumes. At the very least, we’ll still have the home thread too.
Did any other WK book club reach this number of volumes for a single series? Curious


No, this is by far the longest running club with weekly threads. ARIA is technically ex aequo, with 12 volumes (if you count the original version) but it’s a manga. For novels, I think the にゃにゃわんわん is probably second with 5 volumes so far? 本好き has 3 volumes, then one discussion thread for everything else (with basically no discussion so far BUT IN 4 DAYS THE NEXT VOLUME IS OUT AND BOY OH BOY I WILL COMMENT WITH THE APPROPRIATE SPOILER TAGS maybe).
So, yeah, this club has been particularly stable.

Anyway, I have volume 12-15 so it’s not the last you all have heard from me. I’m not sure when I’ll get to them, though, as I currently have a pile of 20+ unread books (again?!?) and they aren’t near the top.


I’m quarter glad we’re having an economic crisis that makes it hard to buy anything online. I’ve finally been able to chip away at my pile of bought books without them doubling in size each day.


I haven’t even started reading it yet, and I’m sad. :disappointed_relieved:


It is up to you to resurrect the club once you reach volume 13.


@icefang97 Thank you for your services for these past 2 years. :pray:t2:
If you hadn’t started this club back then maybe I wouldn’t have started reading ReZero even now. So thank you for that.


Thanks for starting this club and keeping it going for so long, @icefang97! I started reading re zero when it was definitely still out of my comfort zone, and it’s been such a nice marker of my increasing comfort with reading.

I’ll definitely be continuing the series, though I’m unsure when. My plan was to concentrate on decreasing my backlog until the club got to volume 16, which may or may not happen now.

Another option might be to go by arcs, allowing for broader discussion. I also don’t think the weekly threads are worth the effort right now.

Yeah, I also don’t mind continuing this at all. It’s always fun when we manage to get together, and it’s been a bit of a constant even when everyone’s reading at their own pace.

For sure! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I’d also like to thank @icefang97 for creating this bookclub. I was browsing the forums and came across an advanced club which was also Re Zero, and thought, “hey, why not give it a try and challenge myself” and I’m glad I did. It was my first LN that I took seriously and has improved my Japanese alot over these past couple years. Previously I tried Haruhi but was too hard for me. I think what helped this time was I used a Kindle which had a built-in dictionary. Also, there was a defined schedule and I felt the need to be on the same page as everyone else. I might revisit Haruhi one day :slightly_smiling_face:

While over these past few months, I haven’t made much progress due to life stuff, I’m still trying my best to get back into my old routine. I feel I’m getting closer everyday. I have to say the reading aloud is helping with this and giving me some motivation to keep trying. I’m also glad you guys don’t mind reading from where I’m up to :sweat_smile:

I completely understand the reason for not continuing the bookclub. I agree with @Belerith that maybe you could do a thread for each arc, so there’s a more defined beginning and end and could reduce any confusion.

In the meantime, it’s cool we are still doing the read aloud sessions :grin:


Now I feel kinda embarrassed. I’m glad everyone liked it. Seems like it pushed everyone out of their comfort zone, me included. Never excepted so many people to have challenged themself. It is true that there were no advance book club back then. 6 weeks per book at the end was a good pace ha ha. I’m sure some of you know that but the reason I started this book club was because someone mentioned it could be fun, it think it was tamaneginokame, to red Re Zero then I ask him if he wanted to do it or if I could do it and he said I could do it. I would have never done it if he never would have mentioned it. I could maybe do another book club about another series since I have other books I bought but haven’t read yet. I would be up to read 人間失格 by Osamu Dazai if it’s in a book club. If you liked this book club there will probably be other ones.

One sad thing though is that I wanted to make it more interactive with quizzes and stuff by I was so busy I couldn’t do them.


I’m glad you did, too! I had never heard of Re Zero before, and I probably wouldn’t have read it if I had, since it’s very different from the kind of things I read at the time. Reading it made me more open to light novels, and that has been (mostly) positive in my life.


By the way, can we have a link to the poll showing what book everyone is reading?
I feel it’s nice for further discussions.


You mean the one where everyone was reading a different book? Because this was not meant to be updated. It was only to know where everyone was. Unless you are talking about another poll

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Wasn’t it about the usual poll where everyone answered if they were on schedule, behind, or ahead?

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Yes, that one.
I guess you can just make another one, if you want, but I feel it’s fine to just reuse it.
It’s nice to see where everyone is at (and thus to update over time).

No, I meant the poll at the end of this post:


That was a good poll. I think it’d make sense to make a new one with a more… Even? Allotment of the options. This one has an option for the first 15 volumes each, and then just 2 for the ones beyond. That made sense at the time since it was for assessing where everyone was at and the book club hadn’t gone beyond that yet. If we want one to keep, I’d like a few more options for the later volumes too. Was the limit 20? We could maybe do one per volume for the first 10, and then group them?

… There’s a few more volumes coming though, so maybe we just need multiple polls. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also ice can just make it part of the home thread first post if we decide to go with making a new one.