One Piece: Vol 1 Discussion (Chapters 1-8)

If you use something like Weblio’s EJ-JE dictionary it will try to help you find the word using a more fuzzy matching rather than potentially just zero results like some dictionaries if there’s no exact match. Like if you search for the 間抜けた like in the story you’ll get this:


just want to say, sat down and read the first chapter today. It was a good time but I definetly didn’t understand every sentence. I’d say a strong 70%. I would take more thorough notes but I just finished the よつばと I was on and I am burning the midnight oil to catch up on 魔女の宅急便 book club. I’m going to it’s just slow going.

So I’m reading along with this but… I probably won’t take any notes or questions until I’m caught up with the 魔女の宅急便 book club.

I had a lot of fun reading the first chapter. I mean I know basically nothing about One Piece besides like the broadest premise. Fun stuff.


Here’s one that puzzles me: on page 33, the term “ふゆかいきわ” shows up. Tried to puzzle together the last kanji in particular, “不愉快極”, with the first three together meaning “unpleasant” and the last meaning “very” or “extremely”. So I’m guessing, put together, it becomes “most/very unpleasant”?

True, 不愉快 is a 3 kanji word.
And 極 is not a part of that word (though it affects that word), it is a standalone suffix 極まりない, you can look it up on jisho. Though it is in its colloquial form of 極まりねぇ thanks to ない becoming ねぇ.


Having a bit of trouble understanding the following (on pg. 39):
Does カッコ here really stand for parentheses?
If so would crude literal translation be something akin to “those guys are only “pirates” (i.e. not the real ones)”?

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I’d be more inclined to say they’re pirates in appearance only. (Caveat: I still haven’t bought the book yet.)


The way I read it is as follows, can’t guarantee I’m correct though :


海賊 (pirates)
なんて to think that (expresses disdain, dislike)
あんなモン that kind of thing / I can’t believe it
だ be/is
カッコ (格好 ー かっこう) - figure, shape, appearance
ばっかで nothing more than (許り)

Pirates! They’re nothing but appearances! / To think they’re nothing more than appearances (in the context of : they’re
all bark no bite, they only know how to act cool, they only LOOK
tough, they only know how to act cool / tough)


Thank you very much for replies! Kanji would be really helpful in such case I guess :slightly_frowning_face:

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Hi!! We’re starting Chapter 2 today! Is everyone ready??

I’m currently in the Pacific Northwest in the US and dealing with a lot of smoke and chaos (surrounded by fires up here :grimacing:), so I fell a bit behind this week, but I have to admit that I had already read Chapter 1 previously so hoping to finish the re-read tonight. :laughing: Is this anyone’s first time reading Chapter 1?? If so what did you think of Shanks losing his arm while saving Luffy?? Anyways, Chapter 2 is the first chapter I haven’t read yet in Japanese, so I am probably going to have questions this week!


I’m super late but was able to finish chapter 1, feels good even if the level of my Japanese is not quite up to the task :slightly_smiling_face: Probably will have a little bit less free time from now on but will definitely try to continue reading.


omg, i’m so far behind :eyes: it takes me ages to read but it’s really enjoyable nonetheless, so i’ll try to keep up somehow! :smile:


It sounds like a lot of us are behind! I’m thinking we regroup a bit wait a week or two to start Ch 3 to give people a chance to catch up.

What’s everyone’s status?

  • Still waiting for book
  • Have book, but haven’t started reading
  • Not participating this round / have dropped out
  • Reading Chapter 1
  • Reading Chapter 2
  • Reading Chapter 3
  • Further ahead

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I’m still near the end of Chapter 1, though I should jump back in sooner than later.

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I’ve read through full vol. 1 weeks ago. But I have to emphasise on read. If I didn’t understand something (a lot), I didn’t stop and kept reading to avoid losing my momentum and satisfaction just from reading. I plan detailed or semi-detailed translation of troublesome places if they appear (oh they do appear) now. Though I postpone that analysis since I want to catch up with an actual ongoing plot of one piece which I dropped reading in english 2-3 years ago and now I am at ch. 951.


This might be the way I’ll go about it too, that’s a great idea! I’ve already had my hands full with work, lessons and some other book clubs. The detailed sentence by sentence breakdown has made it that I haven’t even completely finished chapter one yet, and I have to will myself to continue reading. Maybe if I don’t break down every sentence I might be more motivated to just pick it up throughout the day and just read a page (or a few) at a time.

It will take a bit of a mentality change though, I really don’t like it when I don’t understand a sentence :stuck_out_tongue:


Finally bought the book yesterday afternoon, and finished chapter 1 last night. I thought I had a question to ask, but I can’t seem to find the problematic panel, now. I will say, though, that Baby Luffy’s enormous mouth creeps me out. And his facial scar is self-inflicted? Ew, no.

Since the other book club for which I’m reading this book will happen on October 7th, I’ll be pulling ahead of the group at some point. :slightly_smiling_face:


Finished reading Chapter 3, and… earlier chapters somehow gave me the impression that Zoro was a member of the navy. Is… is he not?

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He’s a bounty hunter, so you can say he works for the Marines, but he’s not a member.


Woah, are you going in completely blind?


Yep. Not even planning to consult the English translation until I’ve finished the volume.

Finished chapter 5 today. Zoro, who’s been touted as an amazingly powerful swordsman up until now, turns out to be an utter weakling who can only deal damage because he’s equipped a third sword for the +3 ATK bonus. Meanwhile, Kuina, the girl who’s actually a powerful swordsperson, dies from… falling down the stairs? Not even Unspecified Backstory Love Interest Disease, but falling down the stairs?