Oh wow, so it's Day 623 up in this joint

Is this yet another Level 60 post? Yes.
Do I have anything new to add to what’s already been said. No
Do I still need to post about it? Absolutely.

Ok, soooo, it’s been almost two years in the making, and I’m happy to report that I’m now fresh outta Level 60 :partying_face: Needless to say that it’s been quite a roller coaster since I embarked on this crazy journey back in June 2019.

First of all, thank you WaniKani :durtle_love:
I used to think that learning kanji was an impossible task and, for a long time, I let that be an excuse for me to not learn Japanese. Thanks to WK for helping me overcome that hurdle and for re-igniting my passion for the language *extremely deep bow

Let me reiterate: Life does get in the way (or WK gets in the way of life, rather?)
It’s good to have a goal and challenge yourself as a learner. Reading ‘Level 60 in less than a year’-type posts may inspire you to (try to) do the same, but keep in mind that your own journey will be different from others. The most important thing is to find the pace you’re comfortable with and stick to it. Working as a freelancer, I thought I would breeze through all of it without hassle since my schedule was pretty flexible. Well, that wasn’t quite the case hahaha. If I have any advice for you at all, it’s this: ‘Vacation Mode’ is your friend. Don’t hesitate to put it on when when things start to get overwhelming whether it’s reviews, life in general or both. Trust me, when those reviews start to pile up, they really pile up.

Final thoughts
When I told people that I was learning kanji on an app and proceeded to show them WaniKani and they all were like ‘oh cool, so it’s like a game?’ inside I was like:

Learning a language can often feel like a lonely pursuit. Learning kanji on WK is, well, if you’re here then you know how it goes. What I’m getting at is most people don’t realize the level of commitment, discipline and perseverance that it takes. They don’t realize that you’re often thumb-deep in reviews, slowly trying to chip away at them day in and day out. So, with that in mind, I just want to give fellow learners a massive, enthusiastic pat on the back for all those endless hours you’ve clocked in on WK and the many more to come.
Remember that you are loved.
You are appreciated.
You are on the right path.
Now, get your お尻 off the forum, those reviews won’t review themselves!



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Congratulations! :smiley:

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Hey, congrats and welcome to the club :wink:

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This is not the end of the journey, but it is an important milestone.


Grats! You did what many others only dream off, so you deserve all the recognition you can get!

I hope to reach the holy goal some time in 550 or so days, so it’s still a long way for me, but these threads definitely show that with enough perseverance it’s entirely feasible.

I’ve also started my career as a freelancer so I understand that commitment is very important. After all, time management is paramount when you have so much “free time”.

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Ah, I still remember when I was at level 5. Sweet, sweet memories :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Best of luck to you!


:fireworks::fireworks:Lets get it started hot lets get it started in here :fireworks::fireworks:


Congratulations! :partying_face: :tada:


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:confetti_ball: Congratulations :confetti_ball:

Thanks for sharing your journey and your takeaways. Please enjoy your cake.


… just five more minutes :innocent: :caught_durtling:

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thanks for the cake :laughing:



Maybe you can share some stats from wkstats :wink:


Congratulations!!! :cake:

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Congratulations! :partying_face:

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