Need help translating a sentence

I think it’s more “to the bones” in the sense of “to your core”.

(Or it’s just being literal since there’s a picture of a skeleton, but then it still wouldn’t be “from bones”.)

Hmm. It just doesn’t seem to make sense in the context I get from the picture. Reading the sentence over and over continues to give me a meaning that aligns more closely to something like this, but I admit that I could be off in my understanding.

It does mean that, but I think you’re applying it to the wrong place. Nothing in the sentence is saying that anything is made from bones.

みくみくにしてあげる is vocaloid gibberish that basically means something like “I’ll make you crazy about Miku” or has a “I’ll make you like me/my songs” kind of nuance.

Here’s a few sources as well:

Some paraphrasings mentioned here are:

  • ミクのことで頭いっぱいにしてあげる
  • ミクの魅力に参らせてあげるとか
  • ミクの虜にしてあげる

Apparently there’s some weird 2chan origins for that song, which I know nothing about.

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I wasn’t really placing focus on the from bones part, more that even bones can be used to do the miku miku thing that the sentence is describing.

You don’t think it’s Miku’s skeleton speaking independently? :slightly_smiling_face:


Even ミク’s bones make you ミクミク :joy:

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