Do you have any musical ways of remembering the kanji or vocabulary, their meanings or their pronunciations? This really helps me to retain them in my memory.
For example, I remember the pronunciation for 先回り by singing it to the tune of
Carly Simon’s 1970’s hit ‘Anticipation.’ SAH-KEE-MAH-WAH-REE…
(Yes, I am that old lol)
This has helped and hindered me - for 並列 there’s the Cockroaches’ “Hei, retsu go! retsu go retsu go - In a row, In a row In a row”. Which it great for the vocab, but it stuffs me up for the individual kanji.
I know I’ve used songs in a few other places too. I’ll try to rememebr (they don’t pop up unless I see the Kanji).
In kind of a roundabout way, the “I’m in heaven” part from Tom Tom Club’s Genius of Love helps me with the meaning for 天才 (I sing that part in my head and remember the song title, otherwise I might want to add stuff (“heavenly genius”?) or confuse it for “god” or something)
I remember 差す with “Shine on, さす harvest moon–up in the sky…
I ain’t had no loving since January, February, June or July…”
(with apologies to Kate Smith)