候 (25) - added そうろう as a reading.
捜 (25) - added “search for” and “look for” to allow list.
探 (31) - added “search” to allow list.
怪 (26) - updated reading mnemonic.
毛 (3) - updated reading mnemonic.
角 (5) - added “antler” as a meaning.
主に (4) - added “manly” to block list.
伝染病 (32) - added “infectious disease” to allow list.
下手 (2) - added “skillful” to block list.
復習 (26) - added “revision” as a meaning.
休日 (4) - added “day off” as an alternative meaning.
大声 (5) - added “low voice” to block list.
公開 (10) - added “opening to the public”, “releasing to the public”, “publishing”, and “publishing to the public” to allow list.
不孝者 (42) - updated context sentence.
捜す (25) - added “to seek” to meanings, updated meaning explanation, and added “to seek” to allow list.
人込み (34) - updated context sentences.
呆け (58) - updated context sentences.
拍子 (58) - added “when” to meanings, moved “time” to allow list, and updated context sentences.
両腕 (24) - updated context sentences.
奉行 (57) - updated meaning explanation and context sentences.
小麦粉 (33) - updated meaning explanation and context sentences.
一生懸命 (40) - updated meaning explanation and context sentences.
抹殺 (55) - made “obliteration” main meaning, and updated meaning explanation and context sentences.
瀬戸 (41) - moved “strait” and “channel” to allow list, and updated meaning explanation and context sentences.
生保 (9) - added “life assurance” to meanings and updated meaning explanation.