Making Progress on the Dashboard

Alrighty! We’ve read through all the comments, repeatedly, and are going to make some changes. We’ll follow up when there are new things to look at (probably a week or so). Also, we won’t go live until we’ve got the big issues resolved and everyone’s had a chance to play with it for a little while.

Here are the big points we’re going to address:

  • Compactness . We hear you, loud and clear. Those are some giant lists, and dashboards are all about checking things out at a glance. We spent a chunk of time today figuring out how we can boil it down for both new users and the veterans, and think we’ve found a good solution.
  • Showing fewer stages . Good call, everyone.
  • Progress bar = pink .
  • More consistent labeling of the points on the timeline . We’ll probably stick with title tags to start, but we’ll make sure they all say things in the same way. Fancy hovers may/may not come later.

Some of the little points resonated with us, too, but these were the ones that came up the most and the ones that we can clearly act on.

To help set some expectations, we are not going to support the old interface once the new one goes live. There are a lot of reasons behind this (experience, support, technical), but not listening is not one of them. We’re going to find the right solution (or a better solution, anyway), then not look back.

Finally, a huge thanks to everyone for taking the time to try out the new UI and give us some excellent feedback. The Crabigator is always pleased by the passion of the community!

PS: I’m going close this particular thread for now (and un-pin it). We’ll put up another one once the changes are made and ready for everyone to play with.