Level 61 Kanjis

According to the stats, these kanjis are not on Wanikani. 1st table is based on Joyo list and the 2nd one is JLPT list.

So my questions are:

  1. Should I study them? (ceteris paribus :laughing:)
  2. If yes, what list should I study?
  3. How often are these kanjis used?

Thank you!


I would say that the remaining jouyou kanji will do you more good than the remaining “JLPT” ones, since I don’t know why most of those ones listed as JLPT are even listed that way. Many of them are jinmeiyou kanji, giving the impression that at some point a person’s name appeared in an N1 reading section or something and probably had furigana, but whoever made the list just tossed it in anyway without really asking why it was there. Others are things like 於いて, which is almost always written in hiragana.

I don’t think the JLPT creators really expect people to study the jinmeiyou list.

If you get to the point where you’ve got a good grasp on the full jouyou set, then moving on to jinmeiyou seems fine, but it’s farther than most learners end up going.


What I’m going to say is just my opinion, but it really depends on you and your goals. What kind of fluency do you want to achieve? What do you want to use your Japanese knowledge for?

I think that some of these kanji are worth studying both because they’re not all that complicated and because they come up in fairly common words. If I were to be lazy and just give you what I would do without justification, then I’d say go study the Grade 6 and Grade 9 list. I mean, if these kanji are taught in schools, there has to be a reason, right? The stuff in the N1 list… there are things there I don’t know, but I think about half of the kanji there don’t appear anywhere outside of name. Anyway, some examples of words you can form with the Grade 6 and Grade 9 kanji:
曖昧 (vague)
畏まりました (a way of politely assenting to an instruction)
語彙 means ‘vocabulary’
壱 is a more complex form of 一, used mainly for official documents and to prevent fraud (e.g. on bank cheques)
苛立つ refers to getting angry/irritated
蓋 is a cover/lid, so… seems useful to know
初詣 is the first shrine visit of a new year
嫉妬 is jealousy
頬 are the cheeks. Guess it would be good to know, if only to be able to read descriptions of people’s cheeks in books.

So yes, well, some of these words are pretty specialised, but others are common enough that they’re worth knowing, I think.


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