Level 21 before 2021!

I’m afraid to go OT so… SORRY everyone… I can’t understand if It’s is possible to send private messages here.

Wanted to ask you:
Japanese the Manga way, because of Cure Dolly suggestion? I’m following here and I love the channel.
I would like to buy something outside of Genki (I almost finished the first one).
Do you suggest me that book? Is the book more of an “intermediate” level, or It’s ok for me after Genki I?

Thanks a lot!


Japanese The Manga Way is definitely a very cool resource from what I’ve heard, but it works more as supporting grammar book. So if you want to look up a certain grammar point you can do that, but you can’t really work your way through it as with Genki.

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I think the vocab’s just started to ramp up for me (level 5 is the first time they’re over 120) - good to know there is an end in sight! Just 10 levels to struggle through first :sob:

Edit: Not sure why it’s still showing a level 4 badge for me. I have learnt a fair few level 5 items :thinking:

You need to relog on these forum to display your new level :slight_smile:

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If you google for japanese the manga way pdf, you get a pdfslide.net result where you can see a scan of the book, if you’d like to preview it. I hope it’s OK to mention it, I’m not advocating file sharing but it can be difficult and expensive to figure out if a book will work for you or not…

It’s hard to recommend something, because we all learn in a different way. I found I dislike textbooks like Genki and this book is the only one so far that I enjoy using (this and A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar but that’s a reference book). So yes, I’d wholeheartedly recommend it for me :wink:
You can certainly use it as a a grammar book to work through, it is structured in a logical way. It is more of an introduction than in depth lessons. The way he explains things makes sense to me and I like figuring out the manga, it helps me remember.

PM’s are disabled on purpose, they decided they don’t want to deal with the inevitable problems and privacy issues (admins can read PM’s).

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I second Japanese the Manga Way! The title makes it sound like a gimmicky cash grab, but it’s actually very well done. I was very pleasantly surprised, and it’s become one of my main resources. Just don’t expect “modern” manga – the content was adapted from an old serial publication by the author, and the examples go way back. Makes for an interesting cultural study though, and of course the age of the manga doesn’t impact the grammar within :grin:

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This is true, but I enjoy the newspaper ones and one day I’d really like to read the one about the girl dealing with the family sake business.
It’s based on Mangajin and these can be found online too (you can still buy some old copies or find the pdf’s if you know where to look).

Sorry for going off topic further, but it really is a fun book :slight_smile:

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Ok thanks a lot.

Right now I’m ok with Genki for one single reason… I’ve no comparison :smiley:
I will get the book later, when I’m at 50% of Genki II, so I can slowly start to recall things (I’m goint to forget for sure) by using Manga Way.


As long as I get some done every day I will keep moving forwards. I don’t want to push myself to get an arbitrary number done and burn out. I’m not using reorder so it can’t really get any worse from here.


I’ll stick with it, thanks for the encouragement. Good perspective.

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I’ve just been having difficulty keeping a consistent pace with some recent schedule changes in my life, so the pacing has been off and the reviews have become a little demoralizing. Thanks for the encouragement.


Good perspective - that does seem to be true for me as well, even within the first ten levels. Makes sense that it would be so. Thanks for the encouragement.


24 days in level 12 and I just leveled up… Now I have +100 lessons waiting for me. Let’s see when I will handle those :sweat_smile:
level 12 was really terrible for me


Welcome to level 13!

For me too. 13 is better, so far at least!

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I always have the intention of chipping away at my reviews but in the last month I have been having difficulty being consistent with it, largely due to other demands on my time. I know it’s not a failure on my part, but it is discouraging to watch them accumulate. I just knocked out some reviews, dropping myself from 365 back down to just under 300. With some determination, hopefully I can whittle that stack down enough to start some new lessons, I have like 120 of those built up now too… Anyway, thanks for the encouragement.


I did it, just like you said! :grin:

On to lucky level 13 :running_woman:t2:


I’ve finally cracked open level 14!!!
I got burried under 450+ reviews.
It’s nice to see those blue radical lessons.




This is the level I was before my last reset. Level 15 is the highest I’ve achieved.
Unfortunately my university classes have just restarted today and that is classically what screws my progress up.

This time however, I am saying:


stuck atm ;;Screenshot_20200715-084105_Flaming Durtles


The Memethread feels you