Level 21 before 2021!

Yes, this is a marathon not a sprint! You may have to adjust along the way. That’s OK!


On level 10 right now, will be level 11 tomorrow. My pace is around 8 days or so per level, which has been pretty sustainable for me (although I’m not really doing much of anything else besides studying Japanese right now in quarantine lol). This is after taking a large break from progressing through lessons in WaniKani though, meaning that I haven’t had to contend with a lot of master/enlightened items coming back. I’ll probably have to scale back at a certain point, but for now it’s full steam ahead.


Good luck with your level-up tomorrow! Onwards and upwards!


Congrats on the level up!

Interesting approach with the rush through. I just levelled up to 10, after 11 days (work got in the way!)—I normally take my time with new lessons (always hit ‘need more time’ and go away and do something else, then come back for the quiz; usually try to limit to 10 radicals/kanji a day or 20 vocab max for fear of brain melt and getting everything wrong/mixed up later.) How many lessons were you doing a day with this approach? @HilbertXVI, same question to you as looks like you’ve had success doing that recently too! On the fence whether to give it a try as I think I’ll have another busy week ahead so this strategy might work better… Thanks!


I just did all my lessons at once, in like… 15 minutes, just clicking through them, saying the meaning and reading a few times and clicking through. No reading of the mnemonics, or anything. Once I failed something (during reviews, failing during the lessons happened… A LOT), I would look at the mnemonic and imagine it and everything I do normaly, but I’d say around 50 - 60 % off all lessons I could remember without spending any time on them, leaving me to focus on the roughly 40% that needed active memorization.


Count me in. I will be aiming for level 30.


You’re a brave soul. I want to make level 30 by the end of the year but I’m worried it might be too much for me.


Welcome! Just jump right in!


Please don’t tell anyone, but my goal is 30 too. I should reach 21 in September or October and just make it to 30 by New Year.

My official goal is still 21. Ahem… :wink:


I just hit level 10 ^.^

And then there was much vocabulary.


Hello everyone! Lets smash those goals! :grin:


Yes, just jump in! The more the merrier.

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Congratulations! I hope to join you tomorrow.


I do all radicals right after leveling up, but do the unlocked kanji lessons the day after that. Combining that with 10-20 vocab that ends up being 35-40 lessons on average
Wouldn’t recommend it :stuck_out_tongue:

@Marifly Ah same here


I might consider to join!
Wkstats say it’s doable even at 11-day speed :thinking: so fingers crossed!

Edit: (tho first time using wkstats so not entirely sure if that is correct oops)


Just post here! And add yourself to the leaderboard in the first post in this thread if you want.


You found it!!!
Let’s go let’s go!!


Wow, that’s impressive! I didn’t quite have the guts for that, but did all my radicals in one go, which was a first. Might try powering through more vocab in one sitting than I usually do as well.

Haha, thanks for the advice. I’ll probably split my new kanji over a couple of days (or at least 2 separate sessions) otherwise I reckon I’ll get confused pretty easily.

What is the speed number supposed to be? I tried to look if this question was answered before, but this thread has a lot of replies!

I believe speed is days per level. Say I were to aim at level 30 by 2021, that would give me 219 days to get 25 levels. Divide the levels by the days remaining and you get how many days you need to hit per level. In my case, if I wanted to hit level 30 by 2021, I would have to average 8.76 days per level. That is extremely ambitious, and I would surely fail to hit that… so that is what I’m aiming for. lol