Let's Play (Watching) Club: Little Nightmares Home Thread

Will discussions be in this thread or a separate one? I watched the first 3 minutes and the language seems quite straightforward to understand. I might try to approach it the same way I’m trying to approach reading, by focusing on deducing unknown words off of context (the urge to look up words on reflex is strong though :sweat_smile: )

@Radish8 Does slowing down the video speed help any? I think it’s easier to keep up at .75x or .5x speed. Since you’re used to reading, that can give you time to read along with the captions as you hear them.

I was planning on ripping off the book clubs and create a dedicated episode 1 thread tomorrow! :slight_smile:

When I do, I’ll link to it in the OP.


He does ligten the mood a bit though with jokes from time to time :slight_smile:

I like the atmosphere in the game as well. It’s one of the games I usually look up when searching for an LP to watch.



Yep, I watched my sample at 0.75x. If nothing else, it gives me longer to look at the subtitles :sweat_smile: going at half speed made his voice too ridiculous to understand.

I was being slightly hyperbolic, though I really would understand very little without the subtitles. I’m just not used to listening (hence why this should be good for me), and especially not to a voice that changes speed so much, gets excited, talks casually, is mostly exclaiming こわっ!, etc :stuck_out_tongue:


I was catching up with his playthrough of Paranormal HK today. His startled shrieks are the best. :joy:


If you’ve had pretty limited listening experience, watching with subtitles might be quite useful for you. What helped my listening comprehension a ton was when I started reading voiced visual novels, getting used to hearing the sounds of the words as I was seeing them. It’s useful when you have a core reading ability that you can tack listening onto. I think you’re starting in a good place :+1:

Good to know. So there will be a new thread every week then? (sorry, I haven’t really participated in any of the book clubs before so this is new to me :sweat_smile:)


Me neither, I’m just gonna haphazardly rip off their system and see where that takes us :slight_smile:


I watched it already as soon as I saw this thread the first time around, and I really enjoyed it. I was watching without trying to understand everything/a lot, so the second time round I can concentrate on understanding more. Can’t wait! :slight_smile:

Also what a game. Wow.


Can’t wait! I know nothing about the game, so it’ll be interesting it viewing for the first time through the lens of Japanese… hope I’ll understand what’s going on!


There’s no in-game dialogue, so you’ll know just as much as the player :slightly_smiling_face: you just might not understand the player :wink:


Yeah, that’s one of the things I like with let’s plays, the visuals are self-explanatory so anything you do understand of the comments will be a bonus!


I may have watched the whole playlist and the DLC one as well. なんか、つい.

In other news, there’s a second one coming out this year, apparently!
From wikipedia:

LITTLE NIGHTMARES II 』(リトルナイトメア2)は、バンダイナムコエンターテインメントより2020年に発売予定のゲームソフト。

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me too.

also, his triumphant laugh after a hard/scary task is everything.

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I utterly loved the endings of both the main story and of the DLC.

The main character straight up eating the witch was so badass. Kinda “sorry ma’m, I’m a tad hungry; I hope you understand”. And then at the end of the DLC, ending on the sausage of doom :rofl:

I’ll probably watch the episodes again with the rest of the group, though :sweat_smile: Sorry @all for going ahead.

And here I was feeling proud of myself for resisting the urge to watch episode 2 :stuck_out_tongue:


It was an accident. Somehow.


Sorry to derail the thread but do you have any recommendations? In steam it’s hard to know which ones are fully voiced since even partially ones have the tickmark on the ”Japanese audio support”.

I’d probably prefer to steer away from the overly cutesy stuff (like nekopara) ^^


I don’t have any Steam recs unfortunately since I played on my PS Vita and I’m not sure if any of those games have made the jump to PC (or if they have, if they still have the JP voice acting). I mostly played otome games since I found them the most accessible language-wise but I’m not sure if you’d be interested in that genre or not. You could always try for games with visual novel sections though. The story sections of the Persona games come to mind. Other story-heavy RPGs could work too. You can always look up a 実況プレイ of a game beforehand to see how much voice acting it has.

Edit: oh I started playing Flowers which I believe is on Steam and all the characters voice their lines. It’s a yuri dating sim but I wouldn’t compare it to Nekopara. I’m not quite sure what you mean by “overly cutesy” though so use your own judgment on that.

Edit 2: If anyone does happen to still have a Vita, if you set it to a Japanese PSN account, there are dozens and dozens of demos of voiced visual novels (mostly gal games, some otome stuff). There’s a lot of free content out there to practice with.

If there’s an interest, we could contiue with the DLC as well:

However, not all of these are subbed (I think half of them are).

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Oh, I didn’t know about the lack of subs.
The first and last (sixth) episodes were the best, in my opinion.
The rest was okay, but not very interesting story-wise. (Kinda disappointing for something titled “secrets of the maw”)