Let’s read NHK Regular Articles

The dictionary entry I saw had both 決まる and 決める. So yes, が確定している is also a possibility.

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I understand better now (j’avais bien compris l’explication en français, je traduisais pour que tous puissent suivre, merci!). We’ll see how it goes next time I’m exposed to another causative.

③ そのうえで ⓐ「現在、詳細な経歴調査を行っていて、それに6週間から8週間程度かかる」と述べたうえで、8月17日から開催が予定されている民主党の全国党大会の前の8月上旬までに決定したい考えを明らかにしました。

:thought_balloon: So here the ‘in addition’ indicates that Biden is continuing to talk and being quoted.

そのうえ: in addition;
現在: now;
詳細『な』〔~な adjective〕specific;
経歴: career;
調査: investigation;
それに: besides, in addition;
程度: approximately;

When he says: 行っていて, which one is it? There are tons of functions for it.

I’m guessing ⓐ to do, to undertake, to perform, to play (a game), to study (see also: する)?

Lots of functions

Godan verb with ru ending, transitive verb, word usually written using kana alone, colloquialism
ⓐ to do, to undertake, to perform, to play (a game), to study (see also: する)
word usually written using kana alone
ⓑ to send, to dispatch, to despatch
word usually written using kana alone
ⓒ to put, to move, to turn (one’s head, glance, etc.)
word usually written using kana alone
ⓓ to give (esp. to someone of equal or lower status), to let have, to present, to bestow, to confer
word usually written using kana alone
ⓔ to make (a vehicle) go faster
word usually written using kana alone
ⓕ to run (a business), to keep, to be engaged in, to practice (law, medicine, etc.), to practise
word usually written using kana alone
ⓖ to have (food, drink, etc.), to eat, to drink, to smoke
word usually written using kana alone
ⓗ to hold (a performance), to perform, to show (see also: 演る)
word usually written using kana alone
ⓘ to ease (one’s mind)
colloquialism, word usually written using kana alone
ⓙ to harm, to injure, to kill (see also: 殺る)
word usually written using kana alone, slang
ⓚ to have sex with (see also: 犯る)
Godan verb with ru' ending, intransitive verb, word usually written using kana alone ⓛ to live, to get by, to get along (see also: やって行く, やって来る) suffix, Godan verb with ru’ ending, word usually written using kana alone
ⓜ to do … completely (after the -masu stem of a verb, often in the negative)
word usually written using kana alone
ⓝ to do … broadly, to do … to a great distance (after the -masu stem of a verb)
auxiliary verb, Godan verb with `ru’ ending, word usually written using kana alone
ⓞ to do … for (someone of equal or lower status), to do … to (sometimes with negative nuance) (after the -te form of a verb)
word usually written using kana alone
ⓟ to make active efforts to … (after the -te form of a verb)


It’s 行う (おこなう). 調査を行う means to conduct a survey or an investigation.


I was a bit freer in my translation of “黒人女性を選ぶべきだという声も高まっています” to make it sound more natural in English, but the message is the same. I also added a recent that technically isn’t in the original, but seemed implied.

⑤ 民主党の副大統領候補には、ハリス上院議員や、ウォーレン上院議員などの名前があがっていますが、白人警察官による黒人男性の死亡事件をきっかけに、黒人女性を選ぶべきだという声も高まっています。

Among others, the names of Sen. Harris and Sen. Warren are being floated as Democratic vice presidential candidates, although the recent deaths of black men at the hands of white police officers have resulted in a growing number of voices calling for a black woman to be selected.

上院議員 senator
あがる to be listed (as candidate)
高まる to rise, to swell, to increase



:thought_balloon: So Biden is saying that he is currently focusing on running a specific career investigation and that it’ll take from 6 to 8 weeks. Actually, he “stated” (述べる).

I’m guessing this means he will investigate the respective careers of all the candidates for vice-presidency.

I don’t think any J-E dictionary would have this, but this is usually called “vetting.” He’s vetting the candidates.


ⓒ 8月17日から開催が予定されている民主党の全国党大会の前の8月上旬までに決定したい考えを明らかにしました

開催: 【かいさい】holding up a conference;

At first I thought this was a causative because of the さ but this the progressive passive I think. It means “plans are being made” right? As in “plans are being made for conference on the 17 of August.


:person_raising_hand: 上旬: I’ve come across this before and from what I can tell, it’s specific to Japanese, “the first 10 days of the month”. Is it an expression which is used often in Japanese? I don’t understand why there would be a vocabulary word specifically for 10 first days of the month. What is it about? Is it another way to express the first two weeks of a month? The general beginning of the month? Is the 10 a days meant to be taken literally or generally?

It’s basically “the first third of the month.” Which just happens to be about 10 days usually.

They split it into 上旬, 中旬, and 下旬.

In English we’re more likely to say the beginning, middle, and end of the month to mean roughly the same thing. That would be the more natural way to translate it usually.


This kind of ている with a state means that the state took effect and is still continuing, not that the action is continuing. So 予定されている would be “is planned.”

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So here the 『に』indicates a period in time as prefaced by から and まで.

From August 17th to the beginning of August? Since August is past the first 10 days if August, now can it be it from a point in time which happens after…?

までに is usually thought of as its own thing.

And the から is just about when the convention starts.

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Ha, this is why the Japanese ladies I was talking to the other day were so surprised I said Amsterdam was experiencing 大雨. I just meant it was raining a lot :sweat_smile:


On the off chance that you know what I’m talking about, my shoes are still soaked from the disaster that was the Hortus exit at Waterlooplein station so I think you weren’t that far off…

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Oh man it was that bad ! アムステルダム出身だから、わかった!たいへんそう!

The word 旬 exists in Mandarin as well, even though it’s very rare in modern usage (as far as I know). In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if it entered Japanese through Chinese. Now then, as for why it exists… I’m gonna say cultural differences. I’m a little too lazy to verify this through research (pardon me), so everything that comes after this will be a mix of my knowledge and conjectures based on it:

The Chinese calendar was traditionally a lunar one with twelve months a year, with a ‘leap month’ being added every few years. Since it was based on the duration between two new moons, every month was about 30 days long. As a result, it made sense to consistently group days into smaller blocks that would split the months regularly, like blocks of 10. (It isn’t a result of the French Revolution’s cult of reason reaching East Asia thousands of years too early and forcing the adoption of a decimal system. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) I think having a bunch of units of time that fit nicely into each other might have encouraged such a choice.

EDIT: I ultimately did a bare minimum of research to verify that my memory of the number of months in a lunar year was correct, so I found this – Chinese calendar - Wikipedia. You can read that if you want a little history about when 旬 appeared as a way of grouping days.

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出身地同士でよかった!最近の雨(雨季と言っても過言じゃないって感じ)が激しすぎて色んな意味で困った :sweat: 気温はまだ去年みたいな耐えられない温度まで上がってないのは不幸中の幸いだけどね

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8月17日 から 開催が予定されている民主党の全国党大会の前の8月上旬 『までに』

:thought_balloon: Ok, so let’s try again (by the way I’ve updated the first message with this new article).

までに: by, no later than;
民主党の全国党大会: Democratic Party National Convention;

:thought_balloon: So I think it means that a conference is planned to take place before the Democratic Party National Convention at the beginning of August.