Let’s climb Tokyo Skytree - level 60 in autumn 2023

Oh hey there Rowena-さん, haven’t seen you in a while. Hope things are well? How’s the climb?


Thanks for noticing! :smiley:

Hi! I had an unplanned pause from a short illness + inconvenient life events, but I’ve been back at doing reviews for a month now and lessons for 1 week, so should be finally levelling up on Monday - watch this space! or, more accurately, one of the spaces well below this one… :upside_down_face:

chatty chatty with Rowena-さん

Anytime! :wink:

Oh no. Hopefully everything is okay now? With everything going on right now, anytime someones says illness I always think of :crown:. Hopefully you are recovered and doing well :cold_sweat:

same goes for the inconvenient life events, hopefully they are inconvenient no longer…

Yay! Wtg! Btw, what is your level goal by year-end? 31? 32?

chatty chatty with inspectatoroさん

All ok :ok_hand:, not pandemic related, but it did stick around for 5 weeks (cough, slight cold, then chest infection, but the WK-stopper was the profound sleepiness). I’ve since read in the news about a respiratory syncytial virus having made the rounds, and the symptoms seem to match.

Main life event is the end of my marriage, so ongoing and variably okay/rough, but I’m the one who wants to leave, so easier for me than for my spouse. I think we’ll get on better when we’re not having to share space (spouse is a hoarder).

Am also trying to get a job during a pandemic after years of not working :crazy_face:

I hadn’t really worried about setting such a goal, as long as I make the end goal of 60 by 2022.05.22, but as long as I get back to my fortnightly pace (which is about the same as yours, no?), I should just squeak into 32.


:cherry_blossom: Level 28 get and keep climbing! :cherry_blossom:

Recently checked out situation in Japan for tourists and it still seem to show next to zero symptoms to become better. So guess I have to give up after all on my plans to go there for golden week next year. On the other hand, this gives me certain relief with regard of my studies, since it would be precisely my fast WK levels during May. Before I was totally out of clue on how to keep up my 7days/lvl pace during my trip (which halves 3.5day/lvl during 48-60 levels!), but now, well, the issue solved itself. Can’t say I’m 最超非常に-happy about the way it done, but instead of griefing about plans that life ruins, let’s grasp the opportunities given!


Climbed my way up to level 33 :woman_climbing:

I have had a pretty busy week work-wise and also life admin-wise (getting Christmas presents) so my Japanese studying has suffered a bit. I haven’t made any progress on Harry Potter in a week, nor Tobira in two weeks. But I’m proud to say that I’ve still kept up with WaniKani! And hopefully, I can make a start on catching up in other areas over this weekend.


Pau-chan! Congrats to you!

Make sure you check out the restaurant, the seafood is wonderful :sushi: :ok_hand:

Haha, yeah not for long. There is this lunatic waking up at 3am to level up every 6 days and 20 hours that I am certain will surpass me in time :eyes:

Really hope all is well with you, Rowena-san.

“The best laid plans of mice and men…”

Well, there’s hope on the horizon with these vaccines, and on the plus side you will know more kanji by the time you get there :smiley:


Thank you! I’m getting back on track - I hope to make a level-up post in about 48 hours :tokyo_tower:


Oh that is me :smiley:. Unfortunately (for me), if you keep up exactly 7 days for each pair of fast levels (or single slow level), then I only gain 4 hours on you a week, then as you have only 8 weeks left, I only catch up a day and a half, which isn’t enough to bridge our current 1.5 week gap.

Of course, if you take an average of 8.5 days instead, then I can catch up. :smiley:


I thought there was only one lunatic, apparently there are two of you! @NirDafnai was the lunatic I had in mind :stuck_out_tongue:

@ekg & @mmm333 are not quite lunatics, but just regular crazy people like myself.

Well, no matter what happens, I look forward to that view at the top, and look forward to enjoying it with EVERYONE on the climbers list! With exception to the people who have “infinity” as their level up time :thinking:


Who you call crazy! :stuck_out_tongue:



I wish I could like that twice, making me laugh way more than it should!


Alright fast levels here we go!


Hey, I just made it to the second observation deck! :partying_face:
I can still feel the aura of someone great who is now venturing into the unknown territory/floors above me…

I could have leveled up earlier (again), but I made christmas cookies today and forgot to do the lunch reviews. Can you believe this? :flushed:

I’m still not quite sure how I will handle the fast levels. This time it took me ~6 days to level up. But I feel super busy and slightly overwhelmed with all the vocab. It’s a miracle to me how people keep consistently leveling up after those 3.5 days. Maybe if I’d take all kanji lessons at once…? But then I think this would actually be insane. :stuck_out_tongue:


Hearty congratulations to all of you on your level ups :partying_face:

You are all redefining the definition of awesome :clap:



がんばってね :slight_smile:



Great dedication shin san :ok_hand:



Haha, I am indeed a lunatic,
But I still have no chance to surpass you!
The throne is yours, sir.


A decent trade-off in my mind - any photos of the finished product?


If there was ever a good reason to miss reviews, this would be it, to be fair.

Trust me, you are definitely not alone on this!

You never know…


Sure! :slight_smile:

Half of them is with jam, other half is with salted caramel (experimental).