Let’s climb Tokyo Skytree - level 60 in autumn 2023

Just leveled up to 26! Still sticking to my two week level ups somehow. Life, as usual, has had a lot of things all happening at once that demands my attention but somehow still I haven’t skipped a day. I know this pace is considered pretty slow to some people but to me, it feels like lightning speed. I hope I can keep this up! I think these challenges on here definitely help. It makes it feel a little less like I’m studying in a vacuum.


I just joined! To be honest, I’m hoping I can get to lv 60 in a year and a half but I think this seems like a fun way to get to lv 60 since theres a chance my motivation might drop… :sweat_smile:


Level 16! Sweet 16 or something…

@Deenarrhea, congrats on your level up! 10 levels above me. How are levels 20-26 compared with levels 10-16?

@Solista, @TsukimiYoru and @Arxl, welcome to the climb!

Nope! Onwards and upwards to the top of the Skytree and beyond!


Congrats on your level up as well, Marifly!

I’ve been using WaniKani since 2016! (And got lifetime because I knew this was gonna be a long trek for me)

Those levels were so long ago that I can’t remember how difficult they were. I think I had gotten to level 18 at some point then did a reset back down to around level 11 to work my way back up again. (I’ve seen some people say they reset back a few levels every ten levels and honestly, it’s probably a good method because things I thought I didn’t know was wayyy easier than expected the second time around)

I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been just sticking to a schedule and pushing forwards but vocabulary has become so much harder these levels. Some of it is learning a lot of words with the same meanings. (Looking at you 限界、限定、限度 which all mean limit and I haven’t had the time to look up the nuance and difference in usage between them)

There’s also a lot more kanji that look visually similar to kanji I’ve previously learned so I really really got to keep in mind my mnemonics and pay attention to the radicals. Lower levels I didn’t rely on the mnemonics for nearly as long.

I think I’m going to continue to try to power through to level 60 and then instead of trying to burn everything, I’ll go back and review stuff level by level, unburn anything I can’t instantly read.


joined the pain train


Oof at that schedule. People knock it, but I really like doing by lessons in clumps because it makes a large clump of time into free time, rather than having like 20 reviews an hour. My 6 day 20 hour schedule I would look a lot scarier if they were spread out like that.

At any rate, keep up the great work!


Thank you!
Wow, how do you manage to get 6 day 20 hour per level? do you take all lesson when leveled up?
For now I maxed out at 20-30 lessons per day at morning. I’m trying to maintain the accuracy, maybe I can increase the lesson per day in the future :thinking:

Yeah I just do all lessons on level up. My job primarily involves CS Theory research which let’s me maintain a very flexible schedule so I can always just immediately do all lessons/reviews and adjust my sleeping schedule accordingly. My accuracy suffers for the first round, but most vocab is picked up on the 3rd try at the latest.


I think it is similar to mine (posted on the level21 thread), but with more tight schedule that I do not want to do.
Did my part on eve-online back in the day when no skillqueue existed. Wake up at 2am? Do Not Want anymore. :smiley:


Very well noted @MegaZeroX @whinette thank you :pray:
Maybe I should try it this week to understand whether I can do it or not :laughing: and because next week I’m off work yeay


I keep debating (guess not anymore) whether I should post in this thread in case I totally eat the dirt from here to the end of the year and don’t make 60 by December lol… I feel like I should have a contingency plan :sweat_smile: (you don’t “just” assume things will go well in 2020)


I think that is highly subjective. We have another user on here (you can find him in the 0/0 streak thread), that also goes max speed and he swears by spreading reviews out so that they aren’t so scary and stay manageable.

Seems like you already said that yourself, but I just wanted to emphasize it once more.


Yeah I know some people disagree but I just wanna say that I have the reverse opinion. @koro-san looks more stressful than mine IMO.

Like here is my schedule right now:

Which I think is much nicer because I get long breaks.

Edit: Oh, I just realized that they have their schedule on like a 2 week view. That may change some things


I just levelled up upon completing my evening review session:

It took a few days longer than I had hoped, but at least I’m back to being on a downward trend after the debacle of the last several months and on track to get back to fortnightly levelling:

Annotation 2020-08-15 200140


You will see the mnemonic for 絞 this level. Just gotta make sure you take it to heart :stuck_out_tongue:



Just reached level 8. My second level up since joining the climb. I finally learnt all the Joyo G1 kanji, woop woop!


Ah dang it people not compulsively signing out and back into WK to update their display level! :stuck_out_tongue:


I haven’t been posting for awhile but yay for level 16! From looking forward it seems like about half of the content I already know (or at least have seen) and half is unknown (or at least unfamiliar).


Yay indeed! Congrats on your level up!

Congrats you too! Onwards and upwards!