Let’s climb Tokyo Skytree - level 60 in autumn 2023

chatty chatty with inspectatoroさん

All ok :ok_hand:, not pandemic related, but it did stick around for 5 weeks (cough, slight cold, then chest infection, but the WK-stopper was the profound sleepiness). I’ve since read in the news about a respiratory syncytial virus having made the rounds, and the symptoms seem to match.

Main life event is the end of my marriage, so ongoing and variably okay/rough, but I’m the one who wants to leave, so easier for me than for my spouse. I think we’ll get on better when we’re not having to share space (spouse is a hoarder).

Am also trying to get a job during a pandemic after years of not working :crazy_face:

I hadn’t really worried about setting such a goal, as long as I make the end goal of 60 by 2022.05.22, but as long as I get back to my fortnightly pace (which is about the same as yours, no?), I should just squeak into 32.