What does everyone think of using the reorder mod to learn all the radicals, then all the kanji, then all the vocabulary? Bad idea?
Hi and welcome to WaniKani!
I think it sounds like a bad idea, the radicals give you almost nothing you can use in your quest to learn Japanese. You will use almost half a year learning things you can’t use right awat instead of focusing on vocab and kanji that will actually be helpfull
You can only level up after getting 90% of kanji to Guru rank. So if you meant all radicals for all levels first, that’s not possible. If you just meant all radicals within a level, then all kanji for that level, followed by all vocab for that level, that’s already the default WaniKani behavior. You don’t need to use a reorder script to do that.
I do any available vocab first, since it reinforces the kanji. Then radicals, lastly kanji.
Yes, I did mean for all levels not just the current level. That is not possible even with the reorder script? Thank you, btw.
Thank you. That does make a lot of sense.
Learn? What do you mean by that? Right now you have to get a radical to guru to unlock a kanji containing it and then get that to guru to unlock a vocab containing that. What would be the difference?
Maybe learn ALL the radicals to unlock the kanji for that level and then all the vocab to complete the level? I think that wastes a lot of time as you will be stuck on kanji and vocab that you just can’t memorize right away.
Hello hello, welcome!
No, there are no ways to move to other levels without Guru’ing all radicals and kanji of any given level, with or without scripts.
Even if it was possible, I agree that it wouldn’t be a good idea, frankly. WK’s selling point for many is that it made it’s own take on the radical system for the sole purpose of making mnemonics easier. If you learn all the radicals first, you will have gotten rusty on many of them by the time you make it to the kanji, since you’re never using the radicals. If you then learn all the kanji, you’d forget most by the time you start vocab, because you’re never using the kanji.
Radicals make the kanji easier to remember, vocab is there to give you more exposure and more use of the kanji. The more associations your brain creates around a concept, the easier it is to remember, which is what WK seeks to facilitate.
I don’t think it’s a good idea (even if it was possible, which it is not), since the fact of learning kanji using the radicals you already know is reinforcing your memory of those radicals and the same with vocabulary and kanji. If you space them out, like learning a radical today, the kanji containing that radical in 2-3-6 months is much more probable that you’ve forgotten that. In fact the radicals I have most trouble remembering are those that were only used in one kanji or two so far.
Thank you, everyone for the relies. I appreciate the info. I was just throwing ideas around in my head.
there is a point now when I make a mistake for a radical I just double check it and type the correct answer,
if the mnemonics were like regular in every methodology for them I would also try to remember them, since they vary, I basically just ignore if I made a mistake and focus on kanji and vocab.
I dont know why but I am making less mistakes than before focusing only in the kanji and vocab.
Personally, I find that WK’s method is quite effective! I’ve tried the radical > kanji > vocab order in the past, and the transition from kanji to vocab was a mess.
The only kanji pronunciations I retained was if I had already leant a word using those Kanji.
An example I can think of is あたら and しんぶん for 新しい and 新聞 (respectively). I had already seen these words and so learnt the ways to say 新
On the other hand, learning all your radicals at once makes it somewhat easier to practice writing as you have to follow a particular stroke order. It’s also handy for looking up kanji in a dictionary via the key radical or the total number of strokes. Using 新 as an example, you have ‘ax’ as the radical (I don’t know what WK calls it) and the kanji has 13 strokes. This takes a bit of time to learn and lots of practice…
The only thing that I find annoying with WK, is that not all of the names of the radicals correspond with their actual names… like triceratops or poop!
Either way, do what feels best for your goals.
I did it for 57 levels, and was able to keep up with the vocab lesson until level 51. The increase of lessons @ fast level was too high.
But for level 1-40, highly recommanded.
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