Kaniwani Major Update: 1.3.4!

As an aside, performance will be degraded for KW for the next few hours as we perform a large sync to bring all the users up to date.


Hey Tadgh11, I just want to say I truly appreciate your site and your work. Thank you.


I don’t remember ever seeing 我 on either site before the other day. I couldn’t find any mention of it changing level in any of the content update threads, either, but it’s possible that’s what happened.

@koichi, @TofuguKanae, can you please confirm if 我 has always been a level 26 vocab? Also, I can’t remember if I had any unlocked items that were moved above my then current level in the Great Content Shuffle, and if they became locked, or stayed unlocked. (I was up to level 22, then reset back down to 16, so they’d be locked now, anyway.)


I too really appreciate your work. Kaniwani is a great supplement to my learning process.

I would really like to have a notice on the site though. With reviews piling up and the reviews not loading properly for me, it would be nice to know what’s going on, without having to check this site.


Looks like some combined items became separated now. I got 僕、男の人、気温,火事, お兄さん, お前, 姉 in my lesson queue. I remember that previously 気温 was combined with 温度、僕 with 俺、火 with 火事 and so on.


Ah ha! 我, 僕 and 俺 are all “I, Me” on WaniKani, so were probably all combined on KaniWani. That could explain why 我 is suddenly showing up in my reviews. But in that case, I’d expect to have had 俺 pop up, too, but I haven’t. KaniWani’s not responding for me at the moment, so I can’t check if it’s locked.

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OK, I was just able to search for 俺 on KaniWani, but it came back “0 words found”. I’m not sure if that’s because I have KW set to only show burned items (俺 is level 44, and therefore still locked on WK), or if it’s related to the ongoing issues.

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Hey all, just a heads up that I’ve disabled user syncing until I manage to work out the slowness. KW will still work and all that good stuff, but your reviews wont be synced over from WK until I figure out whats up. Sorry for the inconvenience


Bug report : wife and I have been getting lessons from old levels (level 1) these past days.

Pretty sure these were burned a while ago.


Thanks, I’m aware.

Just understood that the new lessons are just words that used to be skipped as they have the same meaning as another one. Eg. 王/王様.

Guess it’s not a bug :slight_smile:

Thanks for taking care of kaniwani, it’s a wonderful site to use along wanikani

ah yes this is a side effect of upgrading to V2. The plan is to have a list of whitelisted word synonyms on a per-vocabulary basis to handle similar words, but its just in progress atm.

Some vocabulary I unlocked last month are showing up as enlightened in reviews and got burned. It is quite strange. Is there a way to readd them to reviews?

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There is a task kicked off atm that should complete in an hour or so that should fix these reviews for everybody, fingers crossed :slight_smile:

A lot of burned items came back for me I think. Suddenly reviews went up from 30 to 100.

Yeah every time I finish reviews there’s always more, maybe that’s another bug?

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Ah yeah known bug. Just bang through em. Are they back as lessons or reviews ?

A few as lessons, the rest as reviews. Do you expect any more strange behavior from here on? I’m okay with clearing the hundred atm but I’d be bummed if this continues.


I just noticed something else odd: my lessons went from 13 to 2, without doing any. Probably related to everything else, but thought I’d let you know.

Also, I don’t think I’ve ever thanked you for all the work you and @Subversity have put into this, and then given it away for free. Despite the odd hiccup now and then, it’s still awesome!

I’d like to report two bugs for KaniWani, if I may. This is on Chrome 64bit.

  1. Whenever I enter a new review/lesson session, the items remaining will always be one less than it should. For example, if I have 36 reviews/lessons and I start a session, the ‘items remaining’ number in the top right will be 35 instead.

  2. The ‘wrap up’ feature during a review/lesson session doesn’t do 10 items, it does 11. This seems to be because ‘0’ is counted as a review/lesson when the number is counting down.

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