Just realized I have been using WaniKani for a year, I'm only at 15

I often feel my tutor is slowing me down, but she is Japanese, she is a professional tutor, she is good, and she has known me since I started, so she must know what pace is right for me. I have to trust her judgement. She has no reason to hold me back. We work through the exercises in Genki and it takes about 4 sessions of 45 minutes each to get through a decent amount of the exercises in a chapter. Hence I do about 1 chapter a month which feels slow when I read about people doing 2 a week! I suppose if I did more work in between and answered the questions quicker we would finish the chapters quicker.

I’ll probably be on level 15 or 16 after my first year on here myself.

Hello @pwharned, keep on being consistent.
I’m progressing +/- at the same pace, my feedback here:

Famous last words. I got od’d on wk at level 13, had a break, reset to zero and started again! Back on level 8, taking it easy. I’ve given up Genki and use Bunpro for grammar. I reinforce Wanikani with Kaniwani, keeping pace, and learn Genki vocab in Renshuu, which also tests me on the kanji I’ve learned in WK at the same time.

After three years I’m on level 53, which is roughly the same pace on average. I got a little further but reset to level 50 a couple of months ago as I was getting very muddled.

Although they say on the site that it takes a little over a year, I’d take that very much with a pinch of salt; it takes as long as it takes.

I’ve been using Wanikani since August of 2015, and I’m only at level 10, admittedly, I lived in Japan for last year and studied Kanji using different methods, but still, I had 700+ reviews waiting for me last week and I am at 0/0 now, gotta push through this.

hahahahah cries

I passed N3 though so I know more Kanji than my current level.

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Depends on how much time you have for your studies…
I’m an member since 5-6 months as i remember and i’m almost lvl 6
even though i got from lvl 9 to lvl 1 its still seriously slow…

Also it depends on how do you learn… i learned a lot of kanji while being in Yokohama and know that i have now a lot of time before my college in Japan starts ((Full 3 years)) and am learning kinda slow right now :slight_smile:

Remember also that “some” of the people who are at lvl 20+ don’t know how to even structure an sentence in Japanese.

@YonaSchuh had same experience when i was in Japan, rushed seriously fast through levels i think i was about lvl 8 or smth before going to Japan and stopped doing reviews and after coming back after 3 months boy… it was a hell… 1000+ reviews waiting for me and i forgot 3/4th of kanji but my japanese improved but my kanji knowledge dramatically decreased.

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yeah! but now I’m back, and since 2 minutes ago I am lifetime, so I’m not going anywhere!!

Ahh, I could tell you a trick to get Wanikani even cheaper but since you got Lifetime you dont need it haha ;D

You mean the Textfugu thing?
a) I have Textfugu so I was using that before
b) pshhhh it’s a secret.

Nahh, its on WaniKani an old secret i’ve found out with my friend ;D

The discount code is exclusively for people that bought Textfugu. There’s no other discount out there.

Well here is the code ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
Actually it’s even censored on the forums haha ;D
It gives you 50% off lifetime