It’s been a looong time since I read the book, but I remember it being pretty much as mollymay5000 describes. I was at a very basic level when I read it, so it helped frame things that I would learn more deeply later.
Here’s the Table of Contents:
The 80/20 Approach
Deconstructing Japanese
How To Learn A Language
Creating Opportunities To Practice
Speeding Up Learning
Keeping Motivated
The 80/20 Japanese Road Map
Chapter 1: The Sounds Of Japanese
Chapter 2: Introduction to Japanese Grammar
2.1 Basic Japanese sentence structure
2.2 Introduction to particles
2.3 Particles in more depth
Chapter 3: General characteristics of Japanese
3.1 Politeness
3.2 Unaffected by pers…
And here’s a followup comment about coverage:
It’s not easy to see just from the Table of Contents, but I think it covers all of Genki 1, and most of Genki 2, and maybe a little that’s not covered in either. They’re organized very differently, so you’re getting some Genki 1 and 2 stuff side by side, which isn’t really visible via the ToC.
I kind of prefer 80/20’s way of doing things because it makes it easier to see how the pieces fit together. It’s organized more functionally, whereas Genki is maybe more… situational(?).
I’m working on…