Issue with vocabulary level display

Hello, before when typing both the meaning and reading of a term, the level of the vocab would show what it changed to depending on whether I got the answer right or wrong, but starting today I noticed it no longer does so. Could it be a bug or maybe one of my scripts could be affecting it? I only have Self-Study Quiz and Double-Check installed, and I’ve had them for a long time now, and haven’t touched any of their settings recently. Is anyone else experiencing this?

Yep, this issue has been reported. They’re working on it. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you : )

The issue of it not showing up at all is a Double-check issue, newly introduced due to the fix Wanikani made for the animation not working properly. You’ll have to wait until Double-check is updated to fix that.

Just did a review now and it seems to be working.

This issue has been fixed! Let us know if it pops up again!

-Nick at WK

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